Herbal remedies for oily skin
Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants preparations for oily skin
The primary role of phytotherapy in treating oily skin is to use astringent plants with the following purposes:
- Plants to wipe excess oil and dead cells and activate skin renewal (exfoliation). It is advisable to make a couple of weekly peels, to remove dead cells and activate new skin cell production.
- Plants that can close the pores to reduce fat production.
External treatment of oily skin
Cypress Cucumber (Cucumis ssp.) A cucumber mask on an oily face helps clean impurities and decrease the opening of pores that will lower oil production.
- Lemon (Citrus limonum) Lemon juice is very suitable to fight skin disorders, being one of the best astringents. A couple of daily applications on the skin help it to get rid of oily skin, skin spots, pimples, scabs
- Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) Used externally, has got astringent properties, very useful for the treatment of skin anomalies, such as oily skin, pimples, etc. (Make a mask with some mashed fruits an apply it on the affected area)
- Sage: (Salvia officinalis) Make a mask with the infusion of this plant diluted in a yogurt. (Two tablespoons of the infusion mixed with yogurt. Cool and apply on the face until it dries well. Clean with cold water)
- Oats (Avena sativa) Make a face mask with oatmeal, honey and an egg yolk. Apply for ¾ hour and clean it with cold water.
- Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) The astringent properties of cypress help combat oily skin. Apply to the skin the liquid from the decoction for ten minutes of three tablespoons of crushed twigs per liter of water.
- Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) (Apply a facial massage using a small cotton with a few drops of witch hazel)
More information about oily skin remedies.