Herbal remedies for night blindness or nyctalopia
Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants preparations for night blindness
The primary role of phytotherapy in the treatment of night blindness involves using a number of plants whose primary objectives are:
- Plants rich in compounds to stimulate the function of rod photoreceptors in the retina. (To enhance the ability to capture light)
- Plants that provide the nutrients needed to prevent infection. (Mainly those that are very rich in vitamin A and antioxidants)
Internal use preparations to treat night blindness

- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Because of its helenin content and vitamin A, it stimulates the absorption of light. (Infusion for a quarter of an hour of a handful of flowering tops in half a liter of water. Take a couple of cups a day.)
- Bilberry/Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) It is very rich in anthocyanidins, some antioxidants which are ideal for the eye health. They aid to capture the low light and viewing conditions such as glaucoma or myopia. (Take supplements in capsules according to the patients leaflet) (Sold in pharmacies or herbalists’) (You can also prepare a decoction with a teaspoonful of fruits per cup of water. Take 2 cups per day)
- Black currant (Ribes nigrum) Preparations with black currant fruit help capture more light, so that people with night blindness can see better at night or in low light. (Take tincture or currant syrup under the terms of the patients leaflet. On sale in pharmacies or herbalists’)
- Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) Anthocyanins from aronia are antioxidants that protect your vision (Take an aronia supplement)
Night blindness is prevented or improved with a diet rich in plants that stimulate the absorption of light on the retina. Eating vegetables, especially those containing vitamin A, and other antioxidant plant foods can prevent or delay its appearance.
More information about night blindness diet.
Supplements of vitamin A for night blindness
Vitamin A supplements could be necessary for people with vitamin A deficiency. It is usually taken as carotenoids.
There is also vitamin A as cod liver oil or combinations of vitamin A and carotenoids. It can be taken in capsules, tablets or liquid.Among the main circumstances that could require vitamin A supplementation, we can consider the following:
- Intestinal diseases which favor vitamin A malabsorption (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, liver diseases, etc)
- Inadequate diet: Either people who do not eat enough vegetables, fruits or animal food containing vitamin A or people who usually undertake low-fat diets (Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and needs fat to be absorbed)
- Zinc deficiency: Zinc is necessary to synthesize vitamin A
Although additional supplementation of vitamin A may be necessary in these cases, one should never exceed the Recommended daily allowance (RDA) since vitamin A abuse can be very harmful, especially when it is done by Vitamin A supplements. This is especial applied to pregnant and breastfeeding women. The excess of this vitamin can affect the fetus or the baby.
Spirulina for night blindness
Spirulina supplements to people with vision problems, such as macular degeneration or night blindness could be very convenient.
More information about night blindness and its natural treatment.