Can you take nettle with aloe?

Recommendations on mixing medicinal plants

Is it contraindicated to mix nettles with other plants?

Photo of a nettle

When asked whether nettle can be combined with aloe juice, in principle, as a general rule, it is recommended not to mix various medicinal plants to reduce the possibility of side effects. Likewise, it is recommended not to combine plant infusions or supplements with other medications or drugs.

However, in the case you mention, aloe could be combined with nettle because both plants are used as food and there does not seem to be any contraindication between the effect of one and the other.

Recommendations for nettle preparations

We do recommend that you read the following information:

  • Caution if collecting nettle: It is important that nettles have been collected in clean places, and only the 4 or 6 leaves at the top. If it is a wild nettle, read the following precautions.

Recommendations for aloe preparations

General recommendations on mixing medicinal plants

Plant remedies are good to help heal certain conditions. However, it is not recommended that they be used without medical advice, for two fundamental reasons:

When using natural remedies it is advisable to consult a specialist
  • Using plants without consulting your doctor can delay early diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, symptoms may indicate a disease or infection that is best cured with certain treatments. In some of these cases, plants may be insufficient and the use of drugs is appropriate.
  • Using plants that are not suitable: Plants have contraindications and their use in certain situations can be counterproductive.
  • Get good advice on how to use plants: The doctor will tell you how to take the plants. There are supplements on the market that are not suitable because they have a small amount of active principles.

punto rojo More information on nettles

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

12 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.