Medicinal plants for muscle pain

What plants are suitable for muscle pain

Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants for muscle pain

Phytotherapy in the treatment of muscle pain should use medicinal plants for the following purposes:

  • Anti-inflammatory plants; they are useful to reduce inflammation of the affected muscle
  • Analgesic plants, which will be able to reduce muscle pain
  • Diuretic plants, to promote the expulsion of excess fluids in the body and, in particular, the excess of lactic acid that accumulates as a result of muscular effort.

Top 4 anti-inflammatory plants for muscle pain

Among the main medicinal plants for the treatment of muscle pain we can mention the following: Ginger, hot chili, turmeric and arnica

Ginger for muscle pain

Ginger infusion with lemon
Ginger infusion with lemon

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the best homemade anti-inflammatories and analgesic. It is able to reduce inflammation and muscle pain.

How to use ginger for muscle pain?

It can be used in several ways

  • Through rhizome infusions (See how to prepare ginger infusion)
  • Ginger compresses: (See how to prepare them)
  • Ginger powder: 10 g. of ginger powder distributed 2 times a day (Add to cold food)
  • Extract capsules: Take according to the leaflet. It is the most effective)
  • Add ginger to dish ingredients

Hot chili for muscle pain

It has been proven that chili or hot pepper, due to its capsaicin content, is one of the best natural anti-inflammatories and analgestic. Its use is appropriate in the treatment of muscle pain

How to take hot chili for muscle pain?

It can be used:

Turmeric for muscle pain

turmeric poultice
Opened turmeric poultice, showing the turmeric paste inside

Turmeric is another of the best natural anti-inflammatories and pain relievers, both for internal and external use. Therefore, people who are prone to muscle pain should always have it on hand, both as an indispensable food and as a remedy to apply to sore muscles.

What turmeric preparations can be used for muscle pain?

Turmeric can be used in the following ways

  • Turmeric poultice: Make the poultice as follows:
  1. Fill half a glass with turmeric powder.
  2. Add hot water little by little as it is stirred and forms a paste.
  3. Let cool.
  4. Spread the turmeric on a gauze and surround it with it.
  5. Apply to the painful area as a compress

Arnica supplements for muscle pain

Arnica supplements, sold in pharmacies, health food stores, and herbal stores, are used to treat muscle pain. It can be used in the following ways:

  • Infusions: They are used externally. One teaspoon of dried plant will be infused per cup of water. Wet a gauze with the infusion and apply the liquid on the painful area.
  • Tincture: Pour 20 drops of tincture into a glass of water. Wet a compress and apply to the affected muscle.
  • Cream: Rub gently with the cream on the sore muscle.

punto rojo More information on remedies for muscle pain

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

2 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.