Medicinal plants for mastitis

Herbal remedies for mastitis


Phytotherapy: Herbal remedies for mastitis

The role of herbal medicine to treat mastitis will be to complement your doctor’s treatment

The use of herbs or supplements mainly focuses on:

  • Relieving the painful symptoms that can produce these swellings.
  • Using plants to help eliminate the infection.

Medicinal plant internal use preparations for mastitis

garlicEating garlic can be very helpful to prevent mastitis

  • Garlic (Allium sativum) for its content in sulfur-rich compounds, it is one of the best natural remedies to combat infections. (Eating lots of garlic cloves during the meal) (Take dehydrated garlic capsules)
  • Onion (Allium cepa) Together with garlic, onion is another plant with a lot of bactericidal properties.

If the pain is really intense, an herbal remedy can be taken to combat it. (See more information about pain and medicinal plants)

External use compresses for mastitis

cabbage compress Applying a cabbage compress on the area affected by mastitis reduces inflammations and decreases pain

  • Cabbage: (Brassica oleracea) The external use of cabbage leaves relieves the pain when it responds to inflammation by breastfeeding. (Crush a cabbage leaf without the midrib and apply it over the painful area)
  • Thyme: (thymus vulgaris) For its antibacterial properties help eliminate the infection. (Make a tea with a spoonful of floriferous tops per cup of water. Apply a compress on the affected zone)
  • Carrot: (Daucus carota) Grind a carrot and apply a poultice on the painful part.
  • Wheat: (Triticum) Boil a handful of wheat in half a liter of milk until it forms a paste and apply on the sore breast.

Practical home remedy for mastitis

The application of warm compresses for 15 minutes four times a day relieves pain and swelling.

punto rojoMore information on mastitis.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

6 July, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.