Mango for the respiratory system:
Foto de mango
- Antibronchitic: Mango flowers are rich in gallic acid. This acid has antibronchitic properties so that the infusion of the flowers of mangoes may be used to combat bronchitis.
- Mucolytic: Its high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) gives it mucolytic properties, making it ideal to break up mucus in case of problems or loaded chest because you are having a cold. (Infusion of a teaspoon of dried flowers per cup of water. A pair of glasses a day)
Mango for the digestive system:
- Laxative: The aforementioned treatment, rich in fiber, with its wealth of fructose and alpha-phellandrene, is an ideal laxative to prevent constipation. This property is increased if you eat the fruit when a bit unpripe.
- Digestive: Very suitable for stomach problems caused by nerves in the stomach, such as vomiting, indigestion, flatulence, chronic constipation, cramps, etc.., Ingestion of mango juice helps to soothe the stomach and prevent these reactions.
Mango for the circulatory system:
- High blood pressure: mango leaves have hypotensive properties, that’s to say, are capable of lowering blood pressure, aiding in the treatment of hypertension. (Decoction for 20 minutes of a couple of semidry leaves in the sun for 14 hours cut up in a liter of water. Let stand for 60 minutes and take a couple of glasses a day for 3 days. Rest for a week and repeat the previous treatment.)
- Hemorrhage: This same preparation mixed with pineapple juice is used to strengthen the capillaries and helps prevent breakage of small veins, in case of problems of blood coagulation, or when taking anticoagulant medications or remedies.
- Diabetes: There are studies on the application of extracts made from the leaves of this plant to treat diabetes and its effects on the body. It appears that these extracts have been a positive influence on the pancreas. It has also been found that these compounds exert a preventive power in the retinal degeneration caused by this disease (retinopathy)
EEXTERNAL USE REMEDIES WITH MANGOxternal use preparations with mango
Skin: The resin obtained by the exudation of the tree is used in India for the treatment of cracks in the skin of the feet. Also this substance is used externally in this country for the treatment of scabies.
Toxicity of mangoes
The branches, leaves and green skin of the fruits contain a resin rich in mangiferine, mangiferol and mangiferic acid, that possesses irritating properties for the skin. It can cause contact dermatitis in some people, even with blisters.
Flowers of mango can produce allergic reactions attributed to acid fumes of its essential oil, rich and mangiferine and mangiferol.
The smoke emitted from the fire made with mango wood is also irritating.
More information on mango.