What is a macadamia nut?
Macadamia nuts are white or cream spherical nuts, with a creamy texture between 2.5 – 3.5 cm. in diameter.
Their flavor is mild, reminding us the coconut. they have very characteristic nice texture, creamy and crunchy,.
This fruit comes from an evergreen tree of the family of Protaceae, originally from Australia. In the market we find two types of macadamia nuts, although, they are not usually distinguished.
These two closely related species are: Macadamia integrifolia and Macadamia tetraphylla. Generally, M. integrifolia is the fruit that we find in the markets.
The Australian nut or macadamia nut, is consumed as a snack food, like other nuts, but, due to its price and its exquisite flavor, it is usually reserved for gourmet dishes.
Some people get it into their diet for its medicinal properties for cholesterol, as they are very rich in omega-9 oleic acid.
Internal use of macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts
- For cardiovascular health: Macadamia nuts are high in healthy fats, which help treat cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.
Indeed, macadamia nuts are the richest nuts in fats, since they contain about 75% fat, primarily monounsaturated Omega 9 type (oleic and palmitoleic acid).
Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of oleic to health. These benefits are closely related to the cardiovascular system: This type of fat, consumed in a balanced way, help lower bad cholesterol, reduce inflammation processes in the body and prevent heart disease.
- Macadamia nuts for lowering cholesterol: a study evaluated the effect of taking macadamia nuts (4090g. Daily) on cholesterol levels in 54 years old people with hypercholesterolemia for 1 month.
The results showed that people who took daily rations of macadamia nuts lowered their total cholesterol and especially the values of LDL cholesterol.
- Balanced consumption of macadamia nuts can help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol.
Macadamia nuts must be eaten in moderation
Macadamia nuts also contain high amounts of palmitoleic acid (omega 7) and arachidonic acid. These components are a type of fat able to raise bad cholesterol if consumed in excess. The recommended daily amount of macadamia nuts ranges from 25 to 90g.
Arachidonic acid is a saturated fat, and,as such should be less present in the diet. Instead, palmitoleic acid (omega 7) is a monounsaturated fatty acid, which in excess could behave like a saturated fat and have their own effects on the increase of bad cholesterol and inflammation.
Photo of raw macadamia nuts
Macadamia nuts for obesity and inflammation
Foods rich in omega 9, as macadamia nuts and other nuts, have shown positive effects when introduced to a diet for obesity.
Although initially we thought that these foods are contraindicated because of their high caloric value, scientific studies have shown that vegetable oils and nuts satiate us for longer and reduce our appetite. To achieve its full benefits, we must balance the moderate consumption of macadamia with a heart-healthy food.
– Anti-inflammatory: omega 9 fats regulate inflammation in the body, by acting in balance with omega 3 and omega 6.
When we suffer an inflammation of the skin, as a dermatitis, or internally such as in gastritis, omega 9 fat acts as lubricant and protector of the dermis, helping to care for damaged skin.
Macadamia nuts for constipation
For its lubricating properties, this fat is an essential ingredient in the diet for constipation. Omega 9 lubricates the intestines and improves intestinal transit. For its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help treat diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis.
It is common for people who follow a weight loss plan and exclude all the oil in their diet, to suffer from constipation problems. Take a serving of macadamia nuts a day can help solve this problem.
* More information: Supplements for constipation.
Macadamia nuts do not have the same properties as olive oil
The properties of foods rich in omega 9, such as macadamia nuts, nave not to be confused with the properties of olive oil.
The healthy effects of olive oil for cardiovascular health are not only due to its composition of omega 9, but they are also brought by phenolic compounds (hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol and oleuropein).
These components are potent antioxidants and protectors of blood capillaries, preventing capillary fragility and deterioration caused by accumulated cholesterol in the arteries.
Although we take macadamia nuts in food, we must not forget that the best vegetable oil to complete the diet is extra virgin olive oil. (More)
More information on macadamia nuts.