Curative properties of lemon for gout
Is lemon beneficial for gout?
Lemon (Citrus X limonia Osbeck) is a fruit well known for its numerous medicinal properties and benefits. Among these, it is advised for people with problems of uric acid, hyperuricemia and gout.
This is due to several reasons:
Why is Lemon good for gout?
Lemon is an excellent diuretic, since its content in potassium, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), limonene and its flavonoids confer these properties.
Increased diuresis is good for hyperuricemia, since the elimination of uric acid occurs through the urine.
Numerous studies have shown that lemon increases diuresis, either because of its content in water, potassium, because its acids, or because the diuretic properties of its flavonoids.
Lemon for kidney stones
Photo of half a lemon
Some studies have found that lemon consumption may help prevent or decrease the formation of kidney stones, especially those produced by uric salts (urates).
The high content of citric acid or citrates of the fruit appear to be responsible for reducing the formation of lithiasis or kidney stones by urates, which sometimes manifest as grains in the urine or crystals of urates. Consuming lemon can be a good remedy when these alterations appear in urine cultures. Lemon in the treatment of uric acid and gout
It is known that eating a lot of sugar increases uric acid. This is because, in the body, fructose can be converted to uric acid by a process called “de novo synthesis”. Usually consuming fructose does not produce gouty disease, but exacerbates its symptoms, as it increases the levels of urates further.
That is why it is sometimes recommended to people with hyperuricemia or gout attacks, not to drink too much fruit (especially avoid juices and of course, foods with added sugars).
Eating lemon in gout attacks
- In case of a gout attack it is highly recommended to consume water with squeezed natural lemon
Due to its content in citric acid, this helps eliminate urates. It is also a fruit with little sugar.
This can not be applied to nectars, natural juices or industrial juices, which contain too much sugar.
- It is best to get your vitamin C from other sources like vegetables, salads and water with squeezed lemon.
For the same effect, pepper can also serve, which also have a lot of vitamin C and little fructose.
On the one hand, lemon is a fruit with very little sugar (and therefore has little fructose). On the other hand, it is an excellent depurative and liver tonic, which is recommended to help the body to eliminate toxins. For the same reasons, lemon is recommended to help eliminate toxins in depurative diets, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, cholesterol, atherosclerosis and uric acid.
How to take lemon to treat gout
There are no essential or miraculous foods. The properties of lemon are based on their traditional use in natural remedies, but may be similar to those of other citrus fruits.
In addition, its benefits should be framed within a healthy diet and appropriate treatment of the disease, otherwise, it would not be effective to treat it.
In short, it is advisable to take a proper treatment, lifestyle and healthy diet and, within this base, introduce natural foods that can help improve.
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More information on lemon