Melissa officinalis to sleep better
What principles of balm are suitable for insomnia?
Lemon balm plant
Melissa contains linalool hypnotic properties that helps reduce insomnia. It also contains other components with narcotic properties which, when used wisely, help you sleep as benzaldehyde and methyl eugenol.
We must not forget the presence of other tranquilizers that help sleep as:
- Caffeic acid
- Rosmarinic acid:
- Chlorogenic acid
- Geraniol
- Citronellol
- Limonene
- Linalool
- Nerol
- Thymol
- Alphaterpineol
- Alphaterpineol
- Eugenol
How do we make an infusion of lemon balm for insomnia?
Melissa infusion for insomnia is performed by using the dried flowers, as do most of the infusions. (See how an infusion of lemon balm is made)
The usual dose is one tablespoon of dried flowers per cup of water
How many cups can we drink a day?
We’ll drink three or four cups a day. It can be sweetened with honey or sugar.
When it is not appropriate to take balm teas for insomnia?
Balm has in certain circumstances a number of contraindications and side effects that should be considered. (See toxicity of lemon balm, lemon balm contraindications and side effects of the balm in the links below)
More information on lemon balm.