Natural remedies for kidney failure
Phytotherapy: Herbal remedies for kidney failure
The primary role of phytotherapy in the problem of kidney failure is to use those plants which purpose will result in:
- Using plants that stimulate the kidneys.
- Using plants with diuretic properties that increase urine production, which will help the kidneys perform a function for which they have big problems.
Home remedies for kidney failure
Among the most important plants for renal insuffiency treatment we can point out:
Cherry stalks can be used to treat kidney failure
- Cherry tree: (Prunus avium) It stimulates urination, so it is appropriate in those cases where there is a need to stimulate the kidneys to increase urination, in diseases such as obesity, edemas (fluid accumulation in the body with swelling tissue), inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis), renal failure., Etc.. There are basically two types of treatment:
- Decoction of flower stalks or dry fruit: Boil for 12 minutes 10 o 40 gr. of dry stalks. After having boiled them, they are left to macerate in water for 6 or 7 hours. Filter this preparation and drink three cups a day, after the main meals. This treatment has an enormous diuretic potential and must be used with caution in people who have problems with hypotension (Using this treatment with low blood pressure can be counterproductive)
- Infusion of stems: Make an infusion of a spoonful of stalks per cup of water for 5 minutes. Chill and drink three cups a day after the main meal
- Celery: (Apium graveolens): Besides eliminating uric acid, eating this plant is useful for overweight people, but also rheumatic patients, who have gout, diabetes, those who have kidney or gallbladder stones or have a tendency to develop gravel. It may even be useful for liver patients, since this preparation can help your body eliminate toxins and contribute to ease liver form doing too much work to purify the blood.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to avoid the ingestion of this food in high amounts and the administration of phytotherapeutic treatments in those people who present serious renal injuries or those that present inflammations in the bladder. Also, it is not advisable to take celery preparations during pregnancy because its content in apiin can produce abortions.
- Apple: (Malus domestica) Because of its cysteine and arginine content, as well as malic acid, it is very apt to eliminate toxins that are stored in the body and, in addition to control or prevent obesity and rheumatic diseases, apple preparations are appropriate to treat such conditions as uric acid, gout, and for the treatment of kidney related diseases, such as kidney stones or kidney failure.
- Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) Carob tree, when it is mixed in bilberry juice, stimulates the lazy kidneys.
- Maize/corn: (Zea mays) decoction of a couple of tablespoons of corn silk for a cup of water for 20 minutes is also useful as a stimulant and for kidney stones. Dangerous treatment. Consult the doctor previously.
It can be squeezed and the juice used to treat kidney problems
- Parsley: (Petroselinum crispum) It is one of the best diuretics it increases urination so it is useful to prevent stone formation, allowing the expulsion of urinary tract sand through the urine before it has settled and compacted in the form of calculus. (Decoction of one teaspoon of dried root. Let stand for one quarter of an hour and take a couple of cups a day) (Squeeze the tender plant and take a couple of tablespoons a day. The juice is also sold in pharmacies and herbalists)
- Nettle: (Urtica dioica) Another plant that is very suitable to increase urine output so that, like parsley, it can help prevent stone formation or promote the expulsion of these when they are small.
- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) this is a plant that over stimulates the production of urine. To the extent that the common name in Catalan “pixallits” (= It pisses beds) refers to this aspect. Hence, its use is appropriate in cases where it is interesting to eliminate as much water dropsy and obesity and in those where it is essential to eliminate toxins from the blood cholesterol, uric acid, diabetes, etc., It also encourage the expulsion of kidney stones (Infusion of dried leaves. Take 3 cups a day. The same infusion can also be done with the mixture of leaves and roots.)
More information on renal diseases.