- Dermatitis: hibiscus fresh plant may cause dermatitis or irritation by direct contact with the skin.
- Allergy or skin rash: some people may be allergic to this plant.
- Hypoglycemia: the plant can influence the levels of blood sugar. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before taking if you have diabetes hibiscus.
- The essential oil of hibiscus can have hallucinogenic effects, so that specialists prefer to replace this treatment with safer plants of the same family, as wild mallow or marshmallow.
Hibiscus during pregnancy and lactation
- Hibiscus has abortifacient properties and should not be used in pregnant women because it can cause abortion.
- Hibiscus preparations are not suitable for children
- Do not use the plant during pregnancy and lactation because it contains alkaloids.
- It should not be given to children younger than 2 years.
More information on hibiscus.
This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.