Herbal remedies for heat
Phytotherapy. Herbal infusions to treat heat exhaustion
Refreshing remedies to avoid heat exhaustion: We can use a variety of natural remedies made from medicinal plants or natural foods to avoid heat exhaustion and to restore the fluid and salts lost through excessive sweating:

- Peppermint (Mentha piperita): An infusion of one teaspoonful of peppermint leaves per cup of cold water is very suitable to reduce the temperature and restore fluids lost through heat.
- Licorice (Glycyrrhyza glabra) Licorice is a good remedy to lower body temperature in hot summers, being very useful to prevent heat stroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, etc.. With the roots of this plant we can prepare “water of licorice” a good remedy to quench thirst and keep yourself cool. (Decoction to 3% of dried root. Serve chilled or with ice.)
- Rice (Oryza sativa) Rice water, besides slowing diarrhea, will help rehydrate the body and. It is an ideal refreshing remedy to quench thirst (See recipe for rice water)
- Barley (Hordeum vulgare) Barley, like rice, has anti-diarrheal properties and can also help eliminate thirst. The best think to do is to prepare barley water that will be taken very cool (See recipe for properties and recipe of barley water)
- Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Because of its water content and its richness in minerals, tomato juice is ideal for the treatment of lost fluids and minerals caused by excessive heat. (Squeeze several tomatoes and drink the juice. Add a little salt). Gazpacho is a Spanish recipe that includes tomato as the first ingredient. It is a very refreshing dish that could be used with the same purpose. (See recipe and properties of Gazpacho)
- Cayenne pepper (Capsicum anuum) cayenne pepper and chili peppers, though at first produce a feeling of increased heat, they really neutralize heat receptors in the brain, which causes temperature decrease in your body. For this reason, spicy food is used in hot countries, because they reduce the sensation of heat.