Medicinal plant remedies for hair growth

Natural herbal treatment to make your hair grow

Phytotherapy. Herbal remedies for the growth and health of your hair

The primary role of phytotherapy in the hair growth will be to use the following types of plants:

  • Plants that help to overcome the emotional problems, tranquilizing the individual so that the emotional states are not responsible for the bad condition of the hair
  • Plants that provide those necessary vitamins or minerals for a good hair condition.
  • Plants that avoid the excessive desquamation or that add the nutrients necessary to give back the suitable smoothness and flexibility to the hair.

Internal use preparations with medicinal plants to make your hair grow

Among all the curative herbs for hair growth, we can point out the following:

hoersetailHorsetail infusions help to keep your hair healthy

  • Horsetail: (Equisetum ssp.) Due to its silica content, it is adequate to keep the hair in good condition. (Infusion of one teaspoon of dried plant per cup of water. Take one cup a day)
  • Tea (Camellia sinensis) Like horsetail, due to its silica content it is adequate to keep the hair in good condition. (Infusion of one teaspoon of dried plant per cup of water. Take one cup a day)
  • Dandelion and milk thistle: (Taraxacum officinale, Silybum marianum) for their richness in iron, the leaves of dandelion and milk thistle may help maintain good health of our hair. (Eat fresh leaves in salad) The the tender leaves of dandelion and milk thistle are, among others, highly recommended edible wild plants.
  • Blackcurrant: (Ribes nigrum) Many hair growth problems are because, over the years, the capillaries that supply the hair provide much less blood and, therefore, far fewer nutrients to the scalp.

To take preparations from the fruit of the black currant can help improve the health of hair and stop or prevent their fall. (Fluid extract, syrup or tincture of black currant according to the terms of the patient’s leaflet. For sale in pharmacies or herbalists)

Also the oil from black currant seeds is very suitable since it is very rich in Omega 6. The usual dose is about 500 mg daily.

External use frictions with medicinal plant preparations for hair growth

The most important ones are the following:

Sweat bay leavesSweat bay leaves decoctions can combat some hair diseases

  • Sweet bay : (Laurus nobilis) It appears to exert a regenerating effect on the scalp, and to have the ability to combat dandruff, seborrhea and other disorders related to hair loss. For this reason it also may help to prevent or delay its onset baldness and to foster their growth. (Make frictions with the essential oil on the scalp in the morning and before bedtime) (Decoction of a handful of bay leaves per liter of water. After washing the head, make frictions with the warm liquid resulting from decoction. Leave it on the head for about an hour and rinse)
  • Linden (Tilia sp.) A strong infusion with the flowers of this plant can be added to the water to rinse your hair after applying a natural shampoo. This will keep your hair, reducing the tendency to fall, and allow it to look glossier.
  • Nettle: (Urtica dioica) It has been proven to be regenerative for the scalp, as well as very suitable to combat dandruff, seborrhea and other disorders related to hair loss. (100 gr maceration of nettle and dried rosemary in 1 liter of anise for 15 days. Rub on the scalp in the morning and before bedtime)

punto rojoMore information on the hair health.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

4 September, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.