- 1 Supplements of guarana to lose weight
- 1.1 Why is it possible to lose weight with guarana supplements?
- 1.2 Guarana increases energy
- 1.3 Guarana helps in the process of thinning
- 1.4 Guarana stimulates the natural metabolism of fat
- 1.5 Guarana invigorates the body
- 1.6 Guarana helps follow a diet
- 1.7 Guarana is a supplement with no health hazards
Supplements of guarana to lose weight
Why is it possible to lose weight with guarana supplements?
Nature offers us many plants to help with health and lose weight naturally, such as guarana. Guarana is a climbing plant of the Amazon rainforest that produces very good results in this sense.
These fruits contain one seed, which has been used by Amazonian tribes for medicinal purposes and during fasting for thousands of years.
The reasons why guarana is an effective weight-reducing remedy are explained in the following article.
Guarana increases energy

The guarana seeds stand out for having the highest caffeine content studied in plants. Guarana seeds contain between 3 and 8% of caffeine, whereas in the coffee beans this ratio is from 1 to 2%.
Together with caffeine (also called guaranine), guarana provides a high content of tannins, saponins and flavonol present in seeds.
These components delay the absorption of caffeine, a stimulant, getting less sharp effects than the caffeine in coffee does, but with a more durable and stimulating action. Unlike coffee, guarana does not cause nervousness but acts as uplifting for the body and mind.
This property is important in case of making low-calorie diets, not only because guarana stimulates the vital energy of people, but because it also improves their mood.
Guarana helps in the process of thinning

Guarana is widely known in the business of thinning because it takes part part of creams, teas, capsules and other supplements for weight loss.
The “Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics” published in June 2001,offers us a study showing the efficacy of a preparation plant diet for 45 days. The preparation was a mixture of yerba mate, guarana and damiana, resulting in remarkable consequences of 5 pounds of weight loss in 45 days. The placebo group only lost an average of 500 grams of weight at the same time.
Guarana stimulates the natural metabolism of fat
Caffeine is a natural stimulant of the nervous system that causes the release of adrenaline. Adrenaline is the hormone activity, which promotes the burning of fat for energy and increases the heart rate.
These qualities are ideal for promoting weight loss when accompanied by exercise, like walking or gym exercises.
All supplements with Guarana announce this power of thermogenesis.
Guarana invigorates the body
Guarana is known for its toning effect on the body, helping to maintain good physical condition during the diets.
In the picture: box of tea with some plants preparation for weight loss. In Spanish, word-for-word: Some exceeding kilos. Green tea, mate, guarana and green coffee, green chia. Scientifically tested
Guarana improves performance in sport acting as a tonic for the heart muscle. Furthermore, studies in athletes have shown that guarana supplements improve recovery after sport, and they are a remedy to prevent stiffness.
These properties are ideal for those just starting to exercise, such as during a weight loss plan.
Guarana helps follow a diet
Guarana seems to have proven to be a good supplement for weight loss, for its stimulating effects that help fight stress that often occurs to people who want to lose weight. It has also been observed that those who take guarana supplements have a better mood, improve their memory and their cognitive or learning abilities. In
Guarana is a supplement with no health hazards
Guarana has been shown as a supplement with no toxicity even in long treatments. Moreover, scientific studies show that low doses of guarana (75mg) produce more positive effects than high-dose supplementation (greater than or equal to 300mg).
People who supplement their diet with guarana, can benefit from the other health claims this herb is being attributed.
More information on guarana.