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Can tea be toxic?
No, in the usual doses, tea (any tea) is non-toxic. However, this drink has certain side- effects and contraindications that must be taken into account:
Picture of tea with tea leaves.
Adverse effects of tea
– In high doses (more than 5 cups a day) tea can produce exciting effects due to caffeine content.
If we drink black tea, we must consider that black tea has more caffeine than green tea.
– Continued use of high doses of tea can lead to addiction due to the effects of caffeine.
– In people with allergies, tea consumption may cause allergic reactions.
– Anemia: Tea is rich in tannins, a type of flavonoids that inhibit the absorption of iron. People with anemia should avoid continued use or abuse of tea (the same must be applied to coffee and other beverages with tannins).
Dangers of tea caffeine
Green tea contains caffeine, so, excessive use of green tea can lead to nervous system problems, but it is virtually impossible in consumption by tisanes that green tea may turn out to be toxic.
– Nervousness: Do not drink tea or other caffeinated beverages in case of epilepsy, arrhythmia, heart failure, insomnia, or other nervous disorders.
– Women of childbearing age: Tea caffeine can increase bleeding.
Related information on green tea: |
More information on tea.