What is Sencha tea?
Sencha tea is a Japanese green tea or “ryokucha”. Sencha tea is the most commercial green in Japan, the one which is consumed daily in all households.
Sencha tea is made from the first harvest of the year, in spring when buds are born on the first year of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis).
Their large leaves have a delicate sweet flavor, little astringency, and they are very aromatic. The color of the infusion is greenish yellow. Sencha tea is rich in chlorophyll and minerals like calcium. A lot of Japanese women drink it between meals.
This tea is served in the Japanese Tea Ceremony .
However, in restaurants and tea rooms, they usually serve Japanese Bancha, which is the most popular type of tea because of its low cost (Bancha tea is made from the second harvest of the year and it is of lower quality than Sencha tea).
Sencha tea only containing three years tea stems is called Kukicha tea (stalk tea) or Boucha (” sticks tea “).
Photo of Sencha tea
Sencha tea properties
– Stimulant: This is a tea with caffeine that provides nervous system stimulant properties, promotes wakefulness and helps the body in situations that require extra mental or physical effort.
Individuals sensitive to the effects of caffeine or with heart disease or high blood pressure should not drink this tea very often.
– Thinning: Sencha green tea is very well known for its role in weight loss diets. In addition to its diuretic properties capable of treating fluid retention, this drink also provides benefits because of its minerals and caffeine, a natural stimulant of metabolism and fat burning.
– Antioxidant: This high quality green tea provides all the antioxidant benefits of catechins, chlorophyll and tea polyphenols. These components may be beneficial to help lower cholesterol and prevent poor circulation.
* More information: Properties of green tea.
How to prepare Sencha tea?
– At 80 º C infuse teaspoon Sencha tea leaves (4 – 5g.). Never boil them.
– Cover and let stand 3 minutes.
– Serve hot with no milk. The same herbs in this infusion can be used for all infusions of the day (3-4 cups).
This type of tea can be served cold, adding the double the amount of dry leaves and pouring the tea into a glass with ice.
* More information: How to prepare a good tea.
More tea types and information about tea.