Medicinal plant remedies for gonorrhea

Herbal treatment for gonorrhea or blennorrhagia


The natural treatment of gonorrhea or blennorhea involves using a series of natural resources that are intended to serve as official support for the treatments.

Phytotherapy. medicinal plants for the treatment of gonorrhea

The primary role of phytotherapy in the treatment of gonorrhea involves using a number of plants which primary objective will be:

  • Plants with bactericidal properties that they complement to official antibiotics.
  • Plants that stimulate the immune system to create a body more resistant to infection. Its use can help reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases

Preparations with medicinal herbs to treat gonorrhea

Among all the plants we can mention the following:


Garlic is very useful for the natural treatment of gonorrhea

  • Garlic: (Allium sativum) Without any doubt it’s the best natural antibacterial and antiviral. It contains more than 20 components with antiviral properties and nearly 40 antibacterial components (Aliicine, ajoene, caffeic acid, ascorbic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, etc.).
  • Onion: (Allium cepa) from the same family as garlic and onion and with a similar composition, it is another natural antibiotic. (See how to take it in the general study of the plant)
  • Echinacea: (Equinacea angustifolia) The main virtue of echinacea is its antimicrobial power to kill or neutralize bacteria, fungi and viruses. This makes it a real alternative to chemical antibiotics. The reason for this property is due to its ability to stimulate the immune system, producing more white blood cells.
  • Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) Many studies seem to show that the use of this plant could be useful to boost immunity. (A couple of cups of the decoction for 20 minutes a teaspoon of dried plant per cup of water) (Take supplements of the plant according to the prospectus conditions)


    Thyme syrop is used to treat gonorrhea

  • Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) The acids contained in this plant provide it with antiviral properties. Thyme is a strong antibacterial, it does not kill bacteria but inhibits or reduces its development so it may be helpful to the treatment with antibiotics (Syrup made with a tablespoon of thyme and two of chamomile in one quarter of water until it is reduced to 1 / 3. Sweeten and take 3 teaspoons a day)
  • Rosemary: (Rosmarinus officinalis) Rosemary has over 40 antibacterial principles and over 20 antiviral. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day) Used as an aromatic plant in the food, at the same time, it prevents the proliferation of pathogens. (Flavor foods with dried rosemary leaves)
  • Linden: (Tilia sp.) Linden has antiviral and antibacterial properties capable of inhibiting the growth of viruses and bacteria, so it is very useful during periods in which the body is forced to fight infections. In this sense, we can consider this plant as a good natural antibiotic. (Infusion of half a teaspoon of dried flowers per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day.)

Other natural resources

Vitamins for gonorrhea:

  • Vitamin C: The levels of this vitamin can be reduced with the use of antibiotics. Vitamin C supplements can help replenish this possible deficit. 6 grams is recommended. divided into three doses daily.
  • Vitamin A: In the form of supplements, a dose of 150,000 IU of beta carotene daily is usually applied. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system, making it very suitable to prevent the occurrence of many diseases vitamin deficiency causes general fatigue and a greater ease to get infections.
  • Zinc: Necessary for the perfect healthy immune system and absorption of vitamin A.

Diet for gonorrhea

A diet for gonorrhea involves using food that help strengthen the immune system.

More information on diet for gonorrhea.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

19 March, 2019

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.