Glucomannan properties

Benefits of glucomannan


Glucomannan to quench your appetite

One of the main indications of glucomannan supplementation is as a treatment to quench the appetite in cases of obesity.

Glucomannan fiber, when hydrated, is capable of forming a gel that multiplies up to 100 times its volume, providing a feeling of satiety to those who take it.

Due to the high capacity to absorb water, glucomannan is used as a remedy to combat the cravings to eat and quench the appetite. In addition, glucomannan delays gastric emptying, prolonging the time of fullness after meals.

These satiating properties have increased the interest of this supplement especially for people who are overweight and obese. By increasing the volume in the stomach and providing fullness, this fiber has become a remedy for the feeling of hunger.

Under specialist control, it is also used to treat bulimia nervosa.

Glucomannan to control sugar levels

Glucomannan helps control sugar levels. Glucomannan lowers sugar and insulin levels after eating.

This effect is due to the fact that, by delaying the gastric emptying, the carbohydrates or sugars that we have ingested in the diet are absorbed more slowly, allowing a better metabolism of these principles.

In addition, the sugar we have ingested can be captured by the glucomannan gel, thus reducing its intestinal absorption. To better understand this effect, we can imagine how the sugar dissolves in water. The same solubility is experienced by the water retained by the glucomannan fiber.

However, this effect is common to all foods that contain soluble fiber, such as fruits, vegetables or legumes. Clinical studies have shown that only with 10-15g. of soluble fiber a day, blood sugar is reduced after eating (postprandial glucose), in healthy adults, as well as in people with diabetes.

In the case of people with diabetes, this supplement may influence their insulin or medication guidelines, so special care and medical supervision are required in these cases.

Glucomannan to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides

Glucomannan helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Glucomannan forms a viscous gel that lines the intestinal mucosa, thus reducing the absorption of fats in the intestine. This gel can capture part of the bile salts, which avoids the absorption of cholesterol.

Numerous studies have been carried out that relate glucomannan with the decrease of cholesterol, which we quote below:

  • Supplementation with 3.6g. Daily glucomannan for 20 days reduced blood cholesterol and triglycerides by 11.2%.
  • A similar study observed that 3g. of daily glucomannan for 8 days reduced total cholesterol by 11% in 20 women.
  • 4.5g. of daily glucomannan for 4 weeks reduced LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 20% in 18 people who had these high values.
  • 10.5g. of daily glucomannan, for 3 weeks, reduced total cholesterol by 16% to 11 diabetic people who formed the study.

Due to glucomannan’s ability to lower cholesterol, the use of this supplement has been linked to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Glucomannan for constipation

As a fiber supplement, glucomannan may be a good ally for the treatment of occasional and chronic constipation, by increasing faecal bolus and facilitating bowel movement.

Glucomannan favors the formation of soft and voluminous stools, which also have a prebiotic effect promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestinal flora.

It has a mild laxative effect by stimulating the intestinal musculature, helping to normalize transit, as well as preventing certain disorders associated with constipation, such as diverticulitis and hemorrhoids.

In order for the fiber of glucomannan to exert its effect against constipation, it must be taken with abundant water, between 1 or 2 glasses.

Glucomannan for intestinal flora

Prebiotic effect of glucomannan. The bacteria in our intestines feed on the fermentative gases generated by the fiber during the passage through the intestine.

To take advantage of all the prebiotic benefits of glucomannan, it is important to accompany the diet with probiotic foods, such as acid-lactic bacteria from yogurt.

Scientific studies have confirmed that glucomannan increases the bacterial population in the colon. These bacteria feed on the soluble fiber (glucomannan), by anaerobic fermentation of the same. For this reason, some people may experience gas or flatulence during treatment with glucomannan.

* More information: Properties of the fiber.

Glucomannan supplements for ulcerative colitis

Glucomannan fiber helps to regulate intestinal transit and prevents too liquid stools in case of digestive diseases such as ulcerative colitis. (Use under medical prescription)

Dosage of glucomannan

  • It is important to administer this supplement with plenty of water (2 or 3 glasses of water) and maintain good hydration throughout the day.
  • Capsules or powder: take between 500 and 1,500mg. of glucomannan, at least 30 minutes before meals, with 2 glasses of water.
  • Administer away from medications. At least 1 hour before taking medication.
Glucomannan supplements may be an effective temporary aid to treat the conditions listed here. However, soluble fiber must be present naturally in your diet, through vegetables, seeds and fruits mainly.

Try increasing your diet in foods rich in soluble fiber, and do not perpetuate glucomannan treatment.

It has been proven that 10g. of fiber supplements have the same effect on appetite reduction as 10g. of applesauce

punto rojoMore information on glucomannan.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 August, 2024

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