Expert opinions on Garcinia cambogia

What experts think about Garcinia cambogia


Garcinia cambogia is an increasingly popular weight loss supplement

illustrationBotanical illustration of Garcinia cambogia.

It is the extract of a tropical plant of India. The fruit is rich in hydroxycitric acid, a principle that affects the metabolism of fats and helps control weight by suppressing appetite.

Are their properties true?

The business of obesity moves millions every year, which generates a certain distrust on the part of the consumer.

Most studies have shown that it is effective for weight loss.

In addition, there have been other studies that discover new properties such as cholesterol reduction, diabetes improvement and increased serotonin.

Unlike other slimming products, Garcinia cambogia is backed by scientific studies.


extract of Garcinia cambogia

Photo of capsules with extract of Garcinia cambogia. For the supplement to be effective you should follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Opinion of the health professionals

We have asked dietitians and nutritionists who are experts in nutrition and weight loss about using this weight loss supplement.

Here are their considerations:

  • First of all, a supplement does not replace good nutrition. You need a balanced low-calorie diet and walk 1 hour a day (at least) to lose weight correctly.
  • The effects of this supplement are not immediate. It should be taken for at least 1 week before you notice its effects. After this time, the person will be able to check how his appetite decreases and improves the control of his weight. Also, treatments longer than 6 weeks are not recommended.
  • It improves the motivation to follow a diet. The initial weight loss itself is a motivation for the person. But in addition, one study has shown that Garcinia cambogia increases serotonin levels. Serotonin makes the mood and stress it to improve, which allows a low calorie diet.
  • It brings many benefits without contraindications. People with diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension can take this supplement. Sporadic adverse effects have occurred with gastrointestinal distress, in which cases treatment should be discontinued.
  • Garcinia cambogia increases the ketosis and acidity of the body, due to the burning of fats. For this reason it should be accompanied by the use of a lot of hydration, like drinking a good glass of water at each meal and at the snack of the day (at least 5 glasses of water a day). It contains antioxidants, like taking 3 citrus a day, make fat loss healthier.
  • People who have had many frustrated attempts at dieting, and / or obesity, are advised to be accompanied by a professional during their weight loss plan, or, at least, to be guided by a nutritional coach.

Real cases of people using Garcinia cambogia

The factors that influence the long-term maintenance of weight loss are the habits that the person has acquired during the time he has been “dieting.”

Nutrition education and the coach during the process are essential to make a correct change of habits and not to be overweight.

It has been seen that success stories have some common characteristics:

  • Physical activity is part of the lifestyle.
  • In general, a diet high in fiber and low in fat
  • Do not follow a diet but change the food forever, based on natural foods, without industrial products.
  • Do not take industrial products, light, diet or meal replacements
  • Environment that favors these changes: Preferably, all household members should follow a healthy eating plan

How is Garcinia cambogia taken?


Garcinia cambogia is taken in capsules or tablets, generally 1 before the main meals (30 – 60 minutes before). (Follow the package directions regarding the posology)

Where to buy it?

Garcinia is sold at points of sale for other drugs such as pharmacies, parapharmacies and specialty dietetic stores.

Products without label or security seal are not recommended. At a minimum you must specify the degree of extraction.

Extracts of less than 50% of hydroxycitric acid (which is the active principle of the plant) are not accepted.

In one week taking this supplement, you get a substantial loss of appetite that conveys a lower intake of food and a decrease in body weight.

punto rojoMore information on garcinia.

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

10 June, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.