Side effects of fumitory

FUMITORY SIDE-EFFECTS (Fumaria officinalis)

What are fumitory side effects?

Fumitory flower

Photo of fumitory

Fumitory is safe when used during from time to time and in recommended doses. Due to their alkaloid content, it should not be used in high doses and long treatments over 10 – 15 days.

* More information on fumitory Contraindications in the listing below.

Dermatitis: Fumitory may cause dermatitis or irritation by direct contact with the skin.

Allergy: Some people may be allergic to this plant.

Bellyache: overdose can plant belly pains as a side effect.

Drowsiness: plant alkaloids have narcotic effect and they are depressants.

Changes in blood pressure: Plant alkaloids have effects on blood pressure. Low doses can cause high blood pressure, and at high doses, hypotension.

Fumitory during pregnancy and lactation

This plant is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation because it contains isoquinoline alkaloids. These components can pass through the placenta or breast and reach the fetus or baby.

punto rojo More information about fumitory.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

5 January, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.