Medicinal plants for frostbites

Herbal remedies for frostbites


Arnica (Arnica montana) If there are no open blisters, arnica cream provides inflammatory and antibacterial properties and reduces the sensation of pain. (Apply arnica cream on the blisters gently. Do not apply on open wounds)

How to cure frostbite?

Phytotherapy in the treatment of frostbite focuses on the use of a number of plants with the following objectives:

  • Plants that help to repair damage caused by cold.
  • Plants that prevent infections in wounds caused by cold.

PHYTOTHERAPY: Herbal remedies to treat frostbite or cold burns

Among all the plants, we can mention the following:

  • Aloe (Aloe vera) Aloe juice has antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regenerative properties. Applied to the skin, it becomes one of the best remedies for curing all types of skin lesions. (Apply the juice of aloe on the affected area and cover it with a disinfected gauze).
Aloe vera extracting
Photo extracting Aloe vera gel
  • Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Marshmallow helps improve the healing of freezes. (Boil a handful of roots in water for 10 to 12 minutes. Moisten with liquid and put a gauze over the affected area)
  • Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) It can promote the recovery of frozen parts and prevents infections. (Apply witch hazel water on injuries)
  • Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) potato juice possesses vulnerary, healing and restorative properties (Squeeze a raw potato and apply the juice on the frozen part with a clean gauze) (Boil half a kilo of potatoes in a couple of liters of water. Apply potato water baths on frozen areas)
  • Cucumbers (Cucumis ssp) Cucumbers are well suited to restore the properties of the skin. (Crush a couple of cucumbers with a blender and spread the mashed pulp as a cream to the affected skin for 15 minutes)
  • Radishes (Rhapanus sativus) Radishes also possess vulnerary properties so they can help promote healing of wounds caused by freezing.
    ginkgo rhizome
    Ginger rhizome

    (Squeeze a few radishes in a blender and apply the warm juice with a clean gauze over the areas affected by the cold)

  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Ginger increases circulation to the periphery thus it helps recovery the areas affected by frostbite. Additionally, ginger has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties so that it can help reduce inflammation and pain that accompanies acute injuries from frostbite. (Eat it with other foods) (Take 3 capsules of 250 mg daily, divided between meals)
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

15 May, 2024

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