Herbal treatment for face spots
Phytotherapy: Preparations with plants to remove blemishes or spots of the face
The main function of the phytotherapy in the treatment of the spots of the skin involves using a number of plants which primary objective is:
- Whitening the stained area by removing the stained areas or making them more noticeable.
- To provide those plants necessary for the preparation of masks to perform “peelings“
- Serve as alternatives to treatment with hydroquinone or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA). There are suspicions that the former may be carcinogenic or that could harm the health of the eyes.
AHA, from the English word Alpha Hydroxy Acids, can be lactic acid from milk, glycolic acid from sugar cane or acids from various fruits.
Is hydroquinone worse than AHA creams?
These products are not as aggressive as hydroquinone, so, used in appropriate amounts, they usually have no side effects, except in very sensitive people who suffer allergic reactions or burning.
When not used in proper proportion, they can cause burns!!!
In any case, if you want to use AHA creams, their content should not exceed 8%. With higher content, prescription is needed.
External use remedies to treat face spots
Parsley leaves
- Parsley: (Petroselinum crispum) It has bleaching properties and is ideal for clear skin blemishes of any kind. (Crush a sprig of parsley and apply the juice with a gauze over the freckles, spots caused by sun, etc.)
See the study of this plant possible toxicity.
- Lemon: (Citrus limonum) (Apply several times the lemon juice on the stained area)
- Dandelion: (Taraxacum officinale) Especially suitable for removing freckles. (Crush leaves and apply the juice on freckles.)
Dandelion leaves
- Carrot: (Daucus carota) Externally it can be used to cure skin problems like eczema, wounds or sunburn.
- It is very useful to alleviate the destructive action of ultraviolet rays, which is why part in the composition of many sunscreens.
- Applied as a mask on clean face helps to eliminate skin blemishes skin cells and promote renewal. (Mask of grated carrots for half an hour. Clean with cold water)
- Pot marigold: (Calendula officinalis, calendula arvensis) (Apply several times calendula juice on the stained area)
Cucumber slices and paste, ready to be applied on the spots
- Cucumber: (Cucumis sp) (Crush a cucumber and apply it the juice on the spots)
- Peach tree (Prunus persica) the tender leaves of peach can be used for the external external skin care, removing blemishes, pimples and other impurities from it.
- (Squeeze a few leaves and apply the juice on the affected area)