Eye floaters medicinal plants

Herbal remedies for eye spots

How to prevent and improve eye floaters with natural products

Phytotherapy in the treatment of eye floaters involves using a number of plants that aim to:

  • Protect eye cells
  • Improve circulation to the eyes
  • Reduce eye strain.

Its use can help stop the progression of eye floaters or delay its onset.

Phytotherapy: Herbal remedies for eye floaters

Among all the suitable plants we can mention the following:

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) Chamomile eye drops are very suitable for eye floaters
  • Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) It is particularly suitable as a natural eye drops (15-minute infusion of a spoonful of dry flowers in a cup of water. Moisten a cloth and apply over eyes) (Do not administer in case of allergic conjunctivitis or hay fever)
  • Black currant (Ribes nigrum) (Tincture or currant fruit syrup under the terms of the patient’s leaflet. For sale in pharmacies or herbalists’)
  • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) It has anti-inflammatory properties, it is adequate to reduce eye strain in eye conditions such as glaucoma or delay the onset of myopia and hypermetropia or prevent vision deterioration. (Make eye baths with towels soaked in the liquid from the decoction for 10 minutes of 100 grams of dried plant in a liter of water)
urtica dioica
Nettle plan
  • Nettle (Urtica dioica) (Decoction of 60 g of dried plant per liter of water. Apply a wet towel over your eyes)
  • Carrot (Daucus carota) It is rich in vitamin A in the form of beta carotene with antioxidant properties that protect eye health. (Take carrot juice)
  • Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) It cleans your eyes and relax eye strain (Apply a compress soaked with the liquid from the infusion of a teaspoonful of dried plant per cup of water) (Available in pharmacies and herbalists’ eyebright eye drops can be applied to the eyes according to the patients leaflet)
  • Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) It can help reduce the strain on the eye capillaries. (Infusion of a teaspoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Three cups a day) (Eat blueberries into jam)

Supplements for eye floaters

Vitamins and minerals for eye spots

The use of certain minerals or vitamins can help slow the onset of eye floaters or diminish its worsening. The ingestion of these supplements, supervised by an ophthalmologist, may be complementary to conventional treatment.

Among all of them, we could mention the following:

  • Vitamin A supplements for eye floaters : Vitamin A is essential for vision. Deficiency of this vitamin may even lead to total blindness. Its antioxidant power is very interesting to keep your eyes in good condition, preventing diseases such as loss of vision, night blindness, hypermetropia, cataracts or glaucoma. It also helps the eyes to overcome bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis. (See more information in the study of vitamin A to know about the correct dosage and its potential toxicity)
  • Zinc supplements for for eye floaters: Zinc helps vitamin A to act.Supplements of bioflavonoids for eye floaters : They exert an antioxidant function and therefore they can help maintain your vision in good condition.

Other natural treatments for eye floaters

Among all of them, we could mention the following:

  • Psychological treatment: It can be useful for people suffering eye floaters to become accustomed to them. Psychological conditioning can help them not to pay any attention to these eye spots.
  • Diet: A proper diet can help improve eye health or prevent its deterioration. (More information on myopia diet in the listing below)

punto rojo More information about eye floaters and its natural treatment.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.