Home plant remedies for endometriosis
Phytotherapy: Herbal remedies for endometriosis
Phytotherapy in the treatment of endometriosis is mainly based on the use of a series of plants which functions will be the following:
- Anti-inflammatory plants to help reduce inflammation and ease pain.
- Plants that balance the excess of hormones (Phytoestrogens)
Internal use plant preparations for uterus inflammation
Of all the useful plants would mention the following:
- Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) Evening primrose, primula or primrose plant has been traditionally used to combat the discomfort of menstruation. Especially evening primrose oil containing gammalinoleic acid that is converted in the body in prostaglandine E1, a hormone with anti-inflammatory properties well suited to prevent swelling due to accumulation of fluids, breast pain, malaise, women during menstruation.
It also reduces the depressive symptoms that may accompany this syndrome (Take evening primrose oil capsules before menstruation according to the patient’s leaflet) (Avoid unreliable brands, due to adulteration of the oils they usually suffer)
- Flax: (Linum usitatissimum) The wealth alphalinolenic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed protects the heart, preventing angina pectoris, by means of reducing atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol. The ingestion of food containing these acids helps prevent tumors in the breast and skin cancer. (Eat bread or preparations containing seeds of this plant) We are working on the possibility of lignan phytoestrogens to be effective in reducing breast cancer for its antioxidant properties, antiestrogenic and antitumor.
The use of these seeds could be interesting for the treatment of other gynecological disorders such as endometriosis.
Yarrow exerts sedative and antispasmodic properties, besides it can regulate hormones. Infusions of this plant can be very useful for endometriosis
- Yarrow (Achilea millefolium) Anxiety and nervousness at menopause as well as many other side effects typical of premenstrual syndrome (headaches, stomach, breasts, abdomen swelling, skin irritation, redness, etc.) can be alleviated with the use of this plant, that also has antispasmodic properties and regulatory hormones. It can be used to relieve painful spasms of endometriosis.
- Chamomile: (Matricaria chamomilla) It facilitates menstruation, avoiding the pains involved. Equally useful to combat the spasms that occur in the premenstrual syndrome or during menstruation. (2 or 3 cups daily infusion of a teaspoon of flowers dried per cup of water)
- Shepherd’spurse : (Capsella bursa-pastoris) For excessive menstruation the patient should make teas with shepherd’s purse. (One teaspoon per cup of water for a week before menstruation)
Clover is rich in phytoestrogens that can balance the hormones
- Clover: (Trifolium pratense) It may be useful for the treatment of endometriosis, due to its content in formonotenin, a phytoestrogen plant hormone that regulates the decompensation occurs during menstruation and, especially, in menopause, helping to relieve pains that normally accompany it.
(Infusion of a teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of water. A couple of cups a day.)
- Red Grapevine: (Vitis vinifera) The hemostatic capacity of this plant, that’s to say, its properties to stop bleeding, is useful for the treatment of excessive bleeding occurring in endometriosis.
(Mix 100 grams of dried leaves of red grape with 50 grams of marjoram (Origanum majorana). Grind to a powder. Make an infusion for 10 minutes with a tablespoon of this mixture per cup of water. Drink two cups a day)
External use herbal preparations to treat endometriosis
- Wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum) To prevent the spasms can be made a hash of wild thyme with leaves and stems within a sleeve and positioned near the abdominal area at night during sleep.
More information on endometriosis and its natural treatment