Herbal treatment of diverticulitis
Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants preparations for diverticulitis
Phytotherapy in the treatment of diverticulitis involves the use of plant preparations, under the supervision of a physician or specialist, for the following purposes:
- Antimicrobial plants to help eliminate pathogens.
- Antiinflammatory plants that reduce inflammation and reduce pain.
- Carminative plants to help expel intestinal gas.
Herbal remedies for the treatment of diverticulitis
Among all the possible plants, we could include the following:
- Chamomile: (Matricaria chamomilla): For his antiinflammatory and antispasmodic properties it can help decrease inflammation and intestinal spasms that usually affect these patients. Also, its carminative properties help to expel excess gases by reducing swelling and decreasing the feeling of weight.
- Chamomile contains antibacterial components that can help eliminate microorganisms in the diverticula. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried flowers per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day)
- Marshmallow: (Althaea officinalis) This plant is rich in mucilage which have soothing properties and can therefore protect the intestinal mucosa. Its use can prevent the onset of diverticulitis in people who have had this problem previously. Using it during the disease, it will help reduce the inflammation of irritable bowel syndrome. (Infusion of a teaspoon of dried flowers and leaves per cup of water for 10 minutes. Two cups a day)
- Mint: (Mentha rotundifolia, Mentha piperita) Mints are carminative plants that can be soothing and useful in this case. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant per cup of water. Take two glasses per day)
- Carrot: (Daucus carota): Its vitamin A wealth acts as a repair of the skin. Moreover, its content in fiber helps to resolve constipation, preventing the onset of diverticulitis or helping healing. Containing vitamin C exerts antioxidant healing power and wounds. (Squeeze a couple of carrots and drink the juice)
- Cabbage: (Brassica oleracea) Cabbage is rich in arginine (essential in the repair of tissue and muscle), with antiinflammatory and antacid properties. It has a high content of vitamin C. All this may help prevent infection of the diverticula or lower for infection and inflammation. (100 g of mashed cabbage and drink by mixing the juice with water) (Cabbage juice can be mixed with carrot juice to increase its healing power)
- Yarrow (Achilea millefolium) for its astringent, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties, it is interesting to use in the treatment of this disease. (Infusion of this plant half teaspoon per cup of water. 2 cups per day)
- Valerian: (Valerian officinalis) For internal use; its anti-inflammatory and sedative properties are valid for the treatment of diseases such as diverticulitis. (Infusion of a teaspoon of dried herb per cup of water. A couple of cups a day)
Vitamins and other supplements for the treatment of diverticulitis
Note: Performing daily exercise, adequate to the possibilities of each person, will help facilitate intestinal peristalsis preventing the formation of diverticula or their inflammation. A daily walk is particularly recommended.
- Vitamin C: With antiinflammatory and restorative properties, it reduces inflammation and helps restore wounds. The usual dose is around 2000 mg daily and 2000 mg of bioflavonoids.
- Vitamin E: It exerts a protective function of the intestine wall. The usual dose is around 100 IU per day during the first week to be increased in a dose of 100 IU more per week up to a maximum of 800 IU weekly.
- Vitamin A: It exerts properties similar to vitamin E. The usual dose is at 25,000 IU daily in the form of betacarotene.
- Linseed: Like the above remedy, it helps prevent constipation. The usual dose is 13 tablespoons daily of ground flax seeds, divided into two daily doses. (Drink a couple of liters of water daily when using this supplement)
- Psyllium: Its use prevents or improves constipation that usually accompanies the disease. The dose is one teaspoon daily taken in a glass of juice or water. (Drink a couple of liters of water a day if you use this supplement)
- Aloe: It helps to heal wounds. (Take a daily cup of aloe juice prepared for this purpose, divided into two intakes a day with no aloeemodin or elodine. It is sold in pharmacies and health food stores)
More information on diverticulitis and other intestine diseases.