Herbal remedies for diaper dermatitis
Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants for the treatment of diaper dermatitis
The function of phytotherapy in the treatment of the dermatitis of the diaper is to use plants that fulfill some of the following functions:
- Plants that help to prevent the appearance of these allergies
- Plants that smooth and hydrate the skin
- Plants that diminish the itching, the inflammation or the irritation.
- Plants that avoid that the pustules or blisters become infected
Among the main treatments we have the following:
External use medicinal plants for diaper dermatitis
- Calendula or wild wonder: (Calendula officinalis, Calendula arvensis) These plants have antibiotic or antiinflammatory properties, very suitable for the treatment of contact dermatitis. (Infusion of a spoonful of flowers per cup of water. Wet the affected area.) (Use a few drops of essential oil diluted in water)
- Arnica: (Arnica montana) Arnica cream is used for the same purpose that calendula ointment. However, this cream should not be applied if there are open wounds or if the person is sensitive to its components. Tests should be performed both with this plant as with calendula and if adverse reactions occur, or do not produce positive effects, it will not longer be used.
Arnica flowers
- Mallow: (Malva sylvestris) For its mucilage content it softens the skin and also helps eliminate other manifestations of the same, such as pimples, pustules, sores, etc. (decoction of 40 grams of dried leaves in one liter of water. Apply a compress soaked with the liquid resulting in quarter of an hour twice a day)
- Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Like mallow, liquid from the decoction of this plant, applied in cold compresses, can alleviate the dermatitis.
- Chamomile: (Matricaria chamomilla) Its wealth in mucilage makes it repair skin conditions, the large presence of compounds with antiseptic and vulnerary properties apigenin, chamazulene, gentisic acid, etc make it very convenient care and repair of skin conditions (Apply wet compresses on the affected part. The bathrooms will be made fully charged with an infusion of dried flowers in a couple of liters of water for 15 minutes. The flowers should be of the annual harvest. must not be stored over a year.)
- Rice (Oriza sativa) Rice, besides its food properties, has medicinal properties. Starch and dry milled rice is a good antiinflammatory and astringent. It can absorb moisture and reduce the itching and inflammation of the baby. This powder is a natural alternative to talcum powder. (Apply rice powder, sold in pharmacies and herbalists on the inflamed area after making the change of diapers) (Rice powder can be made by blending it with a home grinder)
Corn plant
- Maize: (Zea mays): Like rice, corn or maize is another cereal, which flour has antiinflammatory and antipruritic properties. Used externally as a poultice, it can be used as a vulnerary because of its therapeutic properties to cure skin diseases (Apply corn disinfected meal on the irritated area. For disinfection roast it slightly.)
- Oats: (Avena sativa) Oats is very useful to relieve itching. Apply a cold compress with oats water. To do this you use the liquid from the infusion of a half cup of oats per liter of water. Squeeze the mixture to remove the liquid and cover with the compress.
Other natural remedies for diaper dermatitis
Besides herbal medicine, it is possible to resort to some of the following remedies:
- Diet: a proper diet can help prevent dermatitis.
- Home Remedies: Among some home remedies that have been used we can name the following: olive oil ointment with a few drops of lemon.
More information on diaper dermatitis and other types of dermatitis.