Is common linden toxic?
Common lime is not a toxic tree. Its flowers, which are taken in relaxing teas, show no toxicity or adverse effect.
The young leaves are eaten in salads as an edible plant. The bark is also used to treat hypotension.
Common linden has been approved by the U.S. FDA as safe food, and included in the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list.
Common linden blossomed. The flowers are the part of this plant that are usually taken in infusion (See how to make linden tea)
What are common linden main components?
- Mucilage (3%)
- Acids: caffeic acid, chlorogenic, p-coumaric
- Flavonoids: kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin
- Essential oil: citral, citronellal, eugenol. limonene, nerol.
Linden and toxicity hazards
Linden components do not produce any side effects or toxicity. It is one of the recommended pediatric solutions for nervous, hyperactive or insomnia children without side effects. This plant is sedative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, analgesic and demulcent. It is mainly used to treat nervous disorders such as upset stomach, insomnia, tachycardia and stress.
For its mucilage content, it can help treat bronchitis, cough and gastritis. It is also used as a remedy for migraine and has mild antibiotic activity against infections.
Attention!!! It is recommended that people with heart disease do NOT take common linden preparations
Common linden during pregnancy
Common linden is Not proven safe during pregnancy, so that, by the precautionary principle, it is recommended not to use this plant if you are pregnant.
More information about common linden.