Why coconut oil is good for hair loss?
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has a number of antialopecic components that make it suitable for preventing and treating baldness. The most important are oleic acid, linoleic acid and palmitic acid.
These types of fatty acids, applied on the scalp, help in the treatment of baldness.
In addition, coconut oil has other components with suitable properties to prevent hair loss. The main components are the following:
- Vasodilator: By acting on the scalp blood vessels, increasing blood flow, coconut oil provides a greater supply of nutrients to the hair that may be useful for the prevention of hair loss or for further hair growth.
- Antiseborrheic: Coconut oil contains antieczema components well suited for the treatment of seborrhea, one of the main causes of hair loss.
- Antibacterial: Coconut contains over 20 antibacterial components so that, used in shampoos or hair products, it will help to keep the scalp free of microorganisms that can alter the hair state. Many of these microorganisms are responsible for dandruff production, an abnormality that promotes hair loss.
- Moisturizing properties of coconut oil make hair combing easier and permit better hair manipulation, which causes less stress on the scalp and decreases its fall.
Preparations for baldness with coconut oil
Among the many preparations with coconut, we have, for example:
More information on coconut.
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.