Why coconut oil is good for hair?
Coconut oil
Coconut oil has a number of features that make it suitable for hair care. Among them, we can mention the following:
- Vasodilator: By acting on the blood vessels of the scalp increases blood flow in this part of the body, which achieves a greater supply of nutrients to the hair what may be useful to prevent baldness or to achieve a higher hair growth. (More)
- Antipruritic: antipruritic properties that give glycine and menthol are adequate to prevent itching of the scalp, something very common in hair problems like dandruff or seborrhea.
- Antiseborrhea: Coconut oil contains ascorbic acid, linoleic acid, methionine and zinc. All are components with antieczema properties well suited for the treatment of seborrhea.
- Antibacterial: The coconut contains more than 20 components which antibacterials used in shampoos or hair products will help to keep the scalp free of microorganisms that can alter its state.
- Moisturizing: Because of its texture similar to butter, coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer, not only for its content, but because it is more durable and therefore intense than other oils.
Preparations for the hair with coconut oil
Among the many preparations with coconut oil, we have, for example:
Yogurt and coconut oil mask for dry hair |
Other preparations with coconut oil for your hair
More information on coconut.
This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.