Cilantro contraindications

Cilantro contraindications

What are the contraindications of cilantro?

No side effects have been reported by the intake of cilantro in the recommended amounts, so there are no contraindications for this plant.

However, the essential oil of this plants contains high concentrations of toxic substances for which there are other contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. The essential oil is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
  • Anxiety and insomnia. The essential oil has an exciting action and, later, it becomes a nervous system depressant, which can lead to anxiety problems or insomnia.


Photo of cilantro leaf

  • Children under 6 years. For its content in toxic substances, the use of essential oil of coriander in children under age 6 is NOT recommended.

red dot More information about cilantro.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

2 January, 2022

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.