Herbal remedies for chilblains
Natural treatment of chilblains
The primary role of herbal medicine is to use those plants with the following purposes:
– Anti-inflammatory and soothing plants that reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
– Plants that improve circulation
Internal use preparations for chilblains
– Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) Its main virtue is based on the capacity of its acids to reduce the cholesterol level in blood, to diminish hypertension , and also to prevent arteriosclerosis. By doing this, it diminishes the risk of vascular disease or aids to its recovery after some accident of this type, like infarction, angina pectoris… etc. (plant extract) (plant eaten raw in salads or cooked) (juice of fresh leaves with sugar)
– Garlic (Allium sativum) The presence of sulphurous components, together with alliin and ajoene, make it very important by giving it antithrombotic properties (No formation of blood clots) being very interesting to make blood more fluid and help to fight against circulatory diseases (Raw in salads) (Maceration of 100 g. of garlic with 400 ml of wine alcohol. Take half a Take half a teaspoon before going to bed)
– Olive tree (Olea europaea) It decreases blood pressure and it is very useful in cases of arteriosclerosis because it has a vasodilator power to prevent angina pectoris or heart attack, by expanding the coronary artery (Infusion of 60 g. of dry leaves per liter of water.Drink three cups a day)
– Bay (Laurus nobilis) Linoleic, oleic and lauric acids bestow its circulatory properties, very suitable for the treatment of arteriosclerosis and the improvement of blood circulation (Infusion of a pair of leaves in a cup of water for 10 minutes. 4 cups per day)
– Nettle (Urtica dioica) Being so rich in chlorophyll, it is very useful for the treatment of a arteriosclerosis and for blood circulation (The previous juice treatment its good in this sense.) (fresh plant juice)
External use preparations for improve circulation
– Arnica: (Arnica montana) Very useful to diminish chilblains itching (Apply arnica cream on chilblains very gently) (Arnica cream can be bought in pharmacies or herbalists’)
– Nettle: (Urtica dioica) With the same properties. (Apply arnica cream on chilblains very gently) (Arnica cream can be bought in pharmacies or herbalists’)
– Potato (Solanum tuberosum) (Peel several potatoes and crashed them. Filter the juice with a cloth and apply on affected area) (Peeled potato slices can be applied on the affected body part)
– Calendula (Calendula officinalis) Very useful to diminish chilblains itching (Apply calendula cream on chilblains very gently) (Calendula cream can be bought in pharmacies or herbalists’)
Calendula flowers
– Walnut (Juglans regia) Walnut is used to stimulate the circulation in the feet or hands when chilblains have occurred. (Make a decoction with a handful of dried leaves for a liter of water. Pour the contents into a pan and add water until warm without stirring. Fill another bowl with cold water. Mix them and pour the contents in the water of the bath. Take alternative baths with a duration of about 2 minutes in hot water and about 20 seconds in cold one)
– Onion (Allium cepa) To eliminate itching, very common in the presence of chilblains, as well as for its wealth of alliin, one of the best natural antibiotics, using raw onion can be very appropriate (Rub a raw onion on chilblains) (Make a poultice with sautéed onions)
– Lemon tree (Citrus limonum) As a good astringent, it promotes healing of chilblains and prevents their infection (Rub a lemon on the affected area)
– Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) (Boil a handful of nuts. Once boiled, remove the skin and mash them to convert them into a paste. Apply as a poultice on the affected area covering it with a gauze)
– Celery (Apium graveolens) In addition to healing the wounds, one of the best external properties of celery is its ability to cure chilblains (1 hour decoction of 250 g of the plant per liter of water. Perform foot baths with the liquid for 15 minutes 3 times a day)
– Oak (Quercus ilex, Quercus robur) For its astringent properties it is appropriate for promoting the healing of chilblains. (Decoction of 200 g. of dry bark per 4 liters of water for 1 / 4 hour. Allow to cool and perform hands or feet baths with the resulting liquid)
– Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) The astringent properties of this tree can be used for the treatment of chilblains. (Perform foot baths with the liquid from the decoction for ten minutes of three tablespoons of crushed twigs per liter of water)
Cypress picture
– Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) It promotes circulation and increases body heat (Infusion of a spoonful of shredded cinnamon per liter of water. Drink a couple of glasses a day
More information about chilblains and their natural treatment.