Herbal remedies for cataracts
How to treat cataracts with natural products
The primary role of phytotherapy in the treatment of cataracts involves the use of a number of plants with the following objectives:
- Anti-inflammatory plants, to relax the tired eyes
- Eye-nutritive plants that provide the nutrients needed for the good health of the eyes.
Phytotherapy: Herbal remedies to treat cataracts
Internal use preparations to prevent cataracts

- Yarrow: (Achilea millefolium) Because of its anti- inflammatory properties, it has been used to avoid tears and swollen eyes. (Infusion of a flowering tops teaspoon per cup of water. Take a couple of cups a day.
- Catmint (Nepeta cataria) It is very rich in vitamin C, one of the best antioxidants, capable of counteracting the negative influence of free radicals. (Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant. Take a couple of cups a day)
- Mint/ Peppermint (Mentha sp) The antioxidant properties of mints can prevent the onset of cataracts (Infusion of a spoonful of dried plant. Take a couple of cups a day)
- Kumquat: (Fortunella spp) Kumquat flavonoids, which are found mainly in the skin of this fruit, have antidiabetic properties. This is demonstrated in a study that was daily administered to diabetic rats. The results showed that mice fed with kumquat reduced their blood sugar levels. Kumquats also help prevent complications for diabetic patients as cataracts, glaucoma and hypertension.
– Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) It is an edible wild plant not much used in spite of its great detoxifying properties (eat the plant in salads) (People prone to develop gallbladder stones or kidney stones should abstain to eat it as food, because it is one of the highest containing oxalate foods.)
External use preparations to prevent cataracts

- Chamomile: (Matricaria chamomilla) It is particularly suitable as a natural eye drops (15-minute infusion of a spoonful of dry flowers in a cup of water. Moisten a cloth and apply over eyes) (Do not use in case allergic conjunctivitis or hay fever)
- Elder (Sambucus nigra) It has been a traditional remedy for what has been called “evil eye” (Make eye washes with the infusion of a handful of flowers per liter of water. Apply a gauze over the eyes). (Do not use in case of allergic conjunctivitis or hay fever)Potato (Solanum tuberosum) The application of a raw slice on top of tired and irritated eyes helps reduce inflammation. (Do not eat raw potatoes, since they are poisonous in this way)
- Cucumber (Cucumis sp) One of many interesting applications of the cucumber is its ability to relax tired eyes, moistens and soothes redness. The application of a pair of freshly cut slices on the eyelids, is a good natural eye drops and a good solution to reduce the swelling after a busy day or a long night of partying.
- Flax (Linum usitatissimum) In external use, it is a very good demulcent (Softener and protector of irritations) At night, for 20 days, place a drop of oil of this plant in the patient with cataracts (Honey has also been traditionally used for the same basic goal by means of placing at the end of the bad eye a drop of honey for a couple of months)
- Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) It has been used for many years to treat eye diseases. It avoids shedding tears and reduces inflammation of the eyes. (Make an infusion with 2 tablespoonfuls of the plant in half a liter of water. Allow to cool and apply a wet gauze over your eyes)
- Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Purslane relieves irritation of tired eyes (Squeeze the tender plant and apply a poultice with polenta over your eyes)
Supplements: Vitamins and other supplements to treat a cataract
- It has been shown that eating foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin or the absorption of these compounds by means of supplementation decreases the risk of this disease and the need for surgery by 22%.
- Equally interesting are the supplements of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.
- Bilberry/Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Supplementation with bilblueberry can help stop cataracts formation when used in conjunction with vitamin E. The antioxidant power of both stops the degeneration of the lens and helps patients with cataracts.
More information about cataracts and their natural treatment.
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.