Cassia contraindications

(Cassia spp.)


Senna (Cassia spp) is a strong stimulant laxative. It is recommended to start treating constipation with mild laxative (herbs and supplements) or lubricant laxatives (oils and glycerin suppositories).

If you need a strong stimulant laxative, it is recommended to take cascara, which has the same effect as the sena but less intense.

The laxative effect of Senna takes 4-12 hours to appear

Because of possible adverse effects, consult with your doctor about the convenience of using this plant

Cassia only for short treatments

Treatments with cassia should not last longer than 7 to 10 days. In case of adverse reactions, it is recommended to stop the treatment and consult your doctor.

Never give Senna in the following cases

Senna fruitsSenna fruits

  • Pregnany or breastfeeding: Not to be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding or with children under 6 years.
  • Chronic constipation: Not to be used in cases of chronic constipation, since it accentuates it more. Because it causes contractions, the muscle loses its tone to the point that the bowel can lose its natural functions evacuation.
  • People taking medication: in general, this plant favors the medication passage through the intestine reducing their effects, so this must be taken into account when the person making use of this plant is subject to some medication.
  • Heart disease: not for use in cases of heart failure, hypertension or heart disease. Nor should it be combined with heart medications such as drugs for hypertension.
  • Intestinal disease: Not to be used in cases of intestinal inflammation, vomiting, undiagnosed acute intestinal pain, intestinal obstruction, inflammation of the urinary bladder, uterus inflammation, appendicitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis.
  • Kidney disease: It is a contraindicated plant if kidney disease, kidney failure, inflammation of the urinary bladder, renal failure, nephritis.
  • Liver disease: should not be used in cases of liver failure
  • Menstruation: It should not be used during menstruation or inflammation of the uterus.

Use of cassia can be dangerous when mixed with the following

punto rojoMore information on cassia.

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 June, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.