What is cassava?
Cassava, manioc or mandioca root is the underground stem of the cassava plant (Manihot esculenta). Cassava is a tuber.
It reminds a potato but with a larger size.
It is dark brown outside and the interior is white.
Cassava root has a mild neutral flavor.
What are the main nutrients of cassava? Cassava composition

As an energy source, 100 grams of cassava give us 168 calories.
Their proportion of nutrients is divided into:
- Almost 60% is water.
- 0.28% fat.
- About 1.6% of proteins.
- Almost 40% carbohydrates.
- 1.8% fiber.
Vitamins and minerals of cassava
– Cassava is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium.
– It contains vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B9. also small amounts of other B vitamins and vitamin E.
Nutritional characteristics of cassava
Photo of cassava
- Cassava has a moderate water content.
- It gives us a lot of energy in the form of calories, which help us to maintain our vitality.
- It contains little fat, but of high quality and with many health benefits.
- It has a moderate protein content.
- It is very high in carbohydrates, especially starches.
- It has a moderate fiber content.
- It helps to remove toxins from our body, because it contains potassium.
- It helps maintain our brain function, because it contains phosphorus. In addition, together with calcium, it maintains the balance of the formation of strong bones.
Cassava drawing (More food drawings)
- Because of its magnesium content, it helps the contraction and relaxation of muscles.
- As a result of its content in B vitamins, particularly vitamin B9, it helps us to grow properly.
- It protects the skin and helps keep it healthy, because of vitamin A.
- It protects us from colds and helps heal wounds, because of vitamin C.
- It protects us from the toxins and aging, because it contains vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E.
Cassava in the kitchen:
More information about cassava.