Nutritional properties of cabbage
Cabbage is very rich in vitamin C
Because of its richness in vitamin C, is very appropriate in cases of growth or convalescence. In general, because of the amount of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, we must not neglect to eat it from time to time.
When it can not be eaten fresh, we can go to sauerkraut, whose consumption is far preferable to that of fresh cabbage.
Cabbage and cancer
Cabbage and members of the cabbage family (Cruciferae), brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, etc are very rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E, which together with cysteine, glucosinolates and sulforaphane, are antioxidant components that protect against free radicals and the diseases they cause. This type of foods can prevent cancer, particularly breast cancer, lung, stomach, ovarian, prostate, or colon cancers).
It is very appropriate to eat some of these vegetables once a day. Studies conducted in Japan and the United States demonstrated that the high consumption of this food inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the colon. (More information on Cruciferae against cancer)
Apart from cancer, the antioxidant properties of this family are considered very interesting for the prevention of many physical illnesses, resulting particularly suitable in the health care of the arteries and heart.
- Alpha-lipoic acid is among the most potent antioxidants of this plant. This is a component that, for some time, was considered one of the group of vitamin B. Its antioxidant properties have been highly praised in recent years.
Cabbage is very suitable food for slimming diets
Photo of cabbage
Cabbage contains very few calories and a high proportion of water. This, coupled with its high proportion of potassium, a mineral that promotes diuresis because it removes body fluids, makes it particularly interesting for those who follow a diet to lose weight.
Equally interesting is the use of this food on other diseases in which the elimination of liquids is essential: (fluid retention with the appearance of edema, obesity, etc)
Cabbage and the health of the nerves
Cabbage is rich in vitamin B complex, a group of vitamins which are necessary to maintain in good condition the nervous system. Within the vitamin complex B, its high folic acid content makes it particularly interesting for those who are under stress, or are nervous. Eating much cabbage will help them to relax and will allow them to sleep better.
Cabbage, a good ally of the bones
For its boron content, cabbage prevents the loss of estrogens that help set the calcium in bones, so people with osteoporosis should eat this food in abundance. We also have to note that it is a vegetable that contains plenty of calcium.
How to cook cabbage?
We must keep in mind when cooking cabbage that, like all vegetables, it loses all its vitamins if we extend much cooking, so it is convenient to put it into the cooking pot once the water has begun to boil, not leaving it in the cooking water longer than necessary.
We should use the boiling broth to prepare other meals, because have been the most nutritional elements in it. One way to keep all its properties is to cook it in the microwave.
The strong odor presented by boiling this plant is due to the large amount of sulfur it contains. To reduce odor-producing in general cooking time should be reduced as possible. Adding some spice smelling like garlic, ginger or fennel.
Incompatibilities or precautions when eating cabbage
For some delicate stomachs, prone to to produce flatulence or indigestion, cabbage is not so good, especially when combined with other starchy or fatty foods, so it is advisable to take it in combination with other vegetables for lunch. Avoid taking it at night.
Although cabbage is a very interesting food, eaten in excess can inhibit iron absorption.
Cabbage, like the rest of cruciferous vegetables, is included within the goitrogenic foods, which means that their use inhibits the absorption of iodine which can be harmful for people with iodine deficiency which manifests as hypothyroidism.
Cabbage, like the rests of sprouts, has a great capacity to absorb soil purines that are transformed into uric acid in the body. A high intake of this food could be harmful to people with kidney problems or those who have little ability to remove this component (too much uric acid or gout).
*More information: Food properties of cabbage
More information about cabbage.