Medicinal plant remedies against bruxism

Herbal treatment of bruxism

How to avoid teeth grinding or teeth noise?

  • Plants for teeth grinding
  • Techniques of dental relaxation

Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants remedies to treat bruxism

Phytotherapy in bruxism or teeth grinding, caused by tension reasons, involves the use of a number of plants whose purpose is to relieve the person who suffers from anxiety or tension that makes him or her press his or her teeth so hard.

Internal use plants to treat bruxism

Among the plants that can be used, we find the following:

  • Hawthorn: (Crataegus oxycantha, C monogyna) It will help to eliminate the anxiety and to conciliate sleep (Infusion of a spoonful of dry flowers in a cup of water Take a pair of cups per day) (There are supplements in pharmacies and herbalists of this plant in combination with others such as passionflower or valerian. Drink according to the patient’s leaflet)
  • Valerian: (Valeriana officinalis) Against any type of nerve disorder and depression – palpitations, spasms, vomiting, nervous exhaustion, stress, etc. (Infusion of about 15 grams of the root of the plant, let it stand overnight)

    Saint John's wort flowers

    Saint John’s wort flowers

  • St. John’s wort, Hypericum: (Hypericum perforatum L.) Its prolonged use – between about 4 and 6 months – constitutes a repairing tonic of the nervous system (A teaspoon of crushed flowers two times a day) See contraindications in the general study of the plant.

External use remedies for bruxism

Relaxing remedies that can be very useful to treat bruxism are the following:

  • Sage: (Salvia officinalis) Add to the water of the bath the infusion of 3 tablespoons of dried plant in a liter of water. Take a bath during 15 or 20 minutes.
  • Thyme: (Thymus vulgaris) It is a very gentle relaxing and soporific remedy. In situations of general fatigue or heaviness it can be applied by adding in the bath water a good portion of the infusion of thyme flowers so as to enjoy a relaxing bath.

(More information on stress or the insomnia in the listing below)

Suitable and unsuitable food for bruxism

Foods rich in calcium

Foods rich in calcium

Given that in bruxism tooth wear occurs, which affects the health of the teeth, proper nutrition, especially rich in calcium, can help protect teeth from the wear this disorder poses to them.

Especially the dairy or legumes are adequate (see more information about calcium and foods that contain it)

Although nuts are rich in calcium, you should not eat too much, because they are very hard to eat and can cause more tension in your jaws.

To prevent wear of the teeth it may be helpful to take calcium supplements.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

12 March, 2025

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.