What are boldo side effects?
– Contact dermatitis: due to its content in essential oils, boldo can cause skin dermatitis and irritation of digestive mucous membranes in sensitive people.
– Allergy: Like any plant, some people may develop allergic reactions to boldo. Early allergy symptoms may include rash, itching, swelling (especially on the face, tongue, and throat) and dizziness. Seek immediate medical help if you develop any of these signs of allergy.
– Drowsiness, headache, dizziness, vomiting: in high doses, the components of boldo essential oil have narcotic, hypnotic and convulsive effects, being totally contraindicated because of their toxic hazards. The boldo essential oil is rich in ascaridol, cineol and cimol. Follow the doses prescribed by your specialist.
* Further information on toxicity of boldo in the listing.

– Bile duct obstruction: due to its anesthetic effect, the leaves have been used to treat cramping pains, although their use is contraindicated due to the risk of obstruction of the bile ducts. * More information: Natural treatment of stones in the gallbladder.
– Diarrhea: Due to its choleretic properties, the boldo can have a slightly laxative effect. Bile expelled in the intestine is irritating and causes a laxative response.
More information on boldo