Aloe vera hair gel


Characteristics of aloe vera cream

aloe vera creamaloe

The creams that have aloe vera as their main component are characterized by being very thick and sticky, due to the richness of mucilage in the aloe gel. Aloe vera cream softens, hydrates and helps recover damaged skin.

This type of cream is increasingly being used for skin and hair care.

Aloe vera cream for skin care: Regarding the skin, aloe vera cream can be used for all skin types and on all parts of the body.

It is a moisturizing cream especially useful for acne, acne marks, blackheads, pimples, or for wrinkles that form especially on dry skin.

Aloe vera cream is useful as an aftershave.

With respect to hair, aloe vera cream is very suitable for treating the frizz that generally occurs in people who have dry hair. Dry, stiff, curly hair of all people, but especially the one presented by people of color is the one that is most favored by the application of aloe vera cream. This cream acts as a gel or hairspray to shape hair, allow it to be straightened and keep it styled for a long time as desired.

On the other hand, aloe vera cream, diluted in water and applied as a spray on weak and falling hair, is very positive for scalp anomalies, such as dandruff or seborrhea, which are the main causes of baldness or hair loss.

Aloe vera cream for skin anomalies

Other skin anomalies can be treated with this cream such as insect bites, eczema, bruises, minor wounds or simple burns.

However, some people prefer to make their own creams.

Below we offer a series of aloe vera cream recipes that may be useful for some of the above problems.

How to make natural aloe vera gel for hair

Aloe vera cream for wrinkles and dry skin


  • 1 tablespoon of freshly extracted aloe vera gel (See how to extract aloe vera gel) or one teaspoon of 99.9% packaged aloe gel.
  • 1 egg yolk.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.


  • Beat the egg yolk
  • Add the olive oil and the tablespoon of aloe gel
  • Mix everything well until the mixture acquires a pasty texture.

How to use it:

  • Apply to the face or neckline and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash with clear water.

Other preparations with aloe vera:

Homemade acne cream

Hair spray

Benefits of natural cosmetics

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Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

15 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
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