Properties of aloe vera gel

What is aloe vera gel good for?


What is aloe vera gel?

ALOE VERA GEL ​​ is a transparent and gelatinous juice extracted from the pulp of the leaves of aloe (Aloe vera).

This liquid is very thick and sticky, due to the richness of mucilages.

Aloe gel properties for external use

aloe vera gel properties

Main properties of aloe vera gel

  • Aloe gel is used primarily to treat skin conditions.
  • This liquid softens, moisturizes and helps restore damaged skin.
  • It can be used for all skin types and all body parts.
  • The cream of aloe vera is useful as aftershave after shaving or plucking.
  • It relieves pain and swelling caused by insect bites, bruises and minor wounds.
  • It is very useful to help moisturize and repair skin that has suffered simple burns.

Aloe vera gel preparationPicture of how aloe vera gel is extracted

Aloe vera for skin burns

Picture of how aloe vera is applied to the skin burns.

*More information: Benefits of aloe vera for external use

What does aloe vera gel contain?

Aloe vera cut
Photograph of a cut of aloe leaf.

This gel mainly contains aloeferon, anthraquinone and acemannan. Aloeferon is attributed to adequate cell multiplication properties, thereby increasing the rate of healing of the skin.

  • Anthraquinone has antiseptic properties making it suitable to prevent skin infections.
  • Acemannan helps boost immunity so it is suitable for fighting bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Aloe gel properties for internal use

Getting aloe gel

There are many aloe vera creams in the market that can be purchased in beauty shops, pharmacies or health food stores.
However, some people prefer to make their own creams.

Then let the recipe on:

Related information


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punto rojo More information on aloe vera

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

15 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.