Properties of aloe vera for your face skin

Benefits of aloe vera for your face skin

Why aloe vera is good for your face?

Aloe vera contains components that are ideal for maintaining the skin of your face healthy.

It has a number of fatty acids that moisturize the skin and another set of components that provide antioxidant properties , that can help reduce the effects of free radicals and aging have on it.

We must not forget the role of allantoin, a nitrogenous substance with attributed great skin repairing properties.

Aloe vera to renew skin cells

Among its main features it is worth to point out its ability to recover damaged skin and stimulate epithelialization, that is to say, a great ability to stimulate the formation of new cells and eliminate those that are in poor condition.

Among all components that can act in this way, the main ones are the following:

Aloe vera extraction

Aloe vera gel is usually used to treat the face cutis

What anomalies of the face can be treated with aloe vera?

In the treatment of facial abnormalities, aloe vera is ideal, for example, to:

  • Remove wrinkles,
  • To remove spots on face.
  • For the treatment of the flaccidity
  • For crow’s feet
  • For acne
  • To smooth your skin
  • Skin Lightening
  • For sunburns
  • For other skin imperfections that make you look uglier or make you look older.

How is aloe vera used for facial skin?

There are many aloe vera creams available on the market that can be used to treat many of the anomalies mentioned above. However, a simpler and cheaper choice is to use the gel from the plant to apply as a mask to the face. See, for example, homemade cream for acne

Related information


* Related information: Hyaluronic acid properties

punto rojoMore information about ALOE VERA

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

1 November, 2021

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