Magazine No. 56 of Botanical-online
Learn about medicinal plants
Medicinal plants

Anise medicinal properties
Anise has carminative, stomachic, antispasmodic and sedative properties . These virtues are used for the treatment of digestive abnormalities
Curative diets

Diet for fibromyalgia
Some people with fibromyalgia ingest too little protein, which results in greater weakness and fatigue. Foods rich in protein are very necessary and nutritious
Natural remedies

Natural treatment for fibromyalgia
Some medicinal plants with relaxing properties, such as thyme, can be very useful for fibromyalgia treatment
More natural remedies
Herbal preparation

Infusions for neck pain
We can take some infusions to diminish neck pain or apply poultices made with the liquid resulting from them.
Plant cultivation

Eggplant cultivation
Eggplants need an abundant irrigation. They must be watered especially during the time when the fruits grow so that they have a proper development.
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It is a plant native to Panama that is used as a medicinal plant ...