Magazine No. 50 of Botanical-online
Main curative remedies
Medicinal plants

Heather properties
Traditionally, heather plants have been used in the preparation of herbal teas. In Germany and Austria they have been widely used for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
Natural food

In addition to vitamin A and vitamin C , watermelons have quite high amounts of vitamins of group B. Among all, specially pyridoxine (vitamin B6) whose function in the body is to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein, besides regulating the nervous system.
Contraindications of watermelon
Vegetarian recipes

Vegetable pie
This recipe is very suitable for people with heart problems and cholesterol. It contributes with omega 9 that is beneficial to the health of the arteries and heart ; besides being a dish purifying their fiber content, which helps lower cholesterol.
What do you know?

Moringa properties
Is moringa oil better that olive oil?
Plant cultivation

Heather cultivation
Common heather is a plant very cultivated in gardens of fresh or cold climates. There are hundreds of cultivars developed to produce plants of compact character very suitable for borders, massifs, rocks or simply as protective covers of the soil
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It is a perennial herb that is found in more or less humid forests and in mountain meadows, especially alpine. The plant measures about 20-100 cm in height and its leaves are palmatifid