Magazine No. 49 of Botanical-online
Main curative plants
Medicinal plants

Cat's claw properties
Traditionally this plant has been widely used, especially by the Peruvian Ashaninca tribe, in the form of decoctions to treat cancer, tumors, joint pains caused by rheumatic diseases, respiratory problems, ulcers and degenerative diseases.
Natural medicine

Depression remedies
To replace the antidepressant drugs, which have many side effects - weight gain, gastric problems, hypertension, etc. - with other less aggressive natural remedies.
Natural food

Food rich in zinc
Nectarine is a fruit very rich in vitamin A but also has less amount of other vitamins such as vitamin C, B vitamins and vitamin E.
Zinc in vegetarians
The natural sugar of mandarines is absorbed gradually given its content in fiber and fructose.
Vegetarian recipes

Spinach omelette
Spinach omelette or egg with spinach is a very healthy and nutritious combination. It provides lots of vitamin A, folic acid (cleansing the arteries), fiber and protein
Plant cultivation

Paperwhite cultivation
In case you want to grow them in cool climates, it is necessary to do it in a container to be able to carry it indoors to protect it from the inclemencies...