Magazine No. 43 of Botanical-online
Issue of curative remedies
Medicinal plants

This plant stands out as one of the best traditional vulnerary solutions, that is to say, as a remedy to heal wounds.
Natural medicine

Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis or proctitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that produces inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine. It is oftenly misspelled as "cholitis".
Natural food

What do you know about soy?
Is soy good for babies and children?
Vegetarian recipes

Salad with tomato, cheese and linseed
This salad with curly lettuce, tomato, cheese and flaxseed is a dish rich in fiber, omega-3, beta carotene and minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
Steamed asparagus
Asparagus is one of the richest vegetables in riboflavin, which along with beta carotene, improves vision health.
Plant cultivation

Okra cultivation
Okra seeds have to be soaked for 12 hours in warm water to promote germination. Transplantation must be done when the plant has developed its four true leaves, approximately 4-7 weeks after sowing
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It is a plant with violet flowers that lives in the Mexican desert of Sierra Madre. Gray hairy leaves. It grows between 2000 and 2800 meters.