Magazine No. 42 of Botanical-online
Special: proteins
Medicinal plants

Proteins characteristics
Proteins are the structural elements of our body. They are the stuff of which tissues are formed. They can be considered the "bricks" that make up the muscles, bones, ligaments, nails, hair and other parts of our body...
Proteins functions
The most abundant structural protein in the body is collagen, which constitutes 30% of the total body protein.
How much protein do your need every day?
There are different ways to calculate the proteins that a person should eat daily. The most precise formula is as follows...
Vegetarian recipes

Chickpeas with tofu
This is recipe of an energetic dish rich in vegetable protein, which also gives us carbohydrates and fiber...
Natural food

High quality proteins for vegetarians
All foods of animal origin contain proteins of high biological value. In contrast, in the plant world, it is difficult to find sufficient sources of protein in one food, so the wide range on a vegetarian diet must provide protein quality....
How to combine vegetable proteins?
Plant foods should be combined to achieve high biological value proteins...
What do you know?

What are amino acids?
What functions do amino acids realize?
Natural medicine

Supplements of branched-chain amino acids
Taking these amino acids, increases the performance of muscles, facilitate recovery after physical activity, increases muscle mass and repairs the damage that physical activity causes on them.
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It is a plant with violet flowers that lives in the Mexican desert of Sierra Madre. Gray hairy leaves. It grows between 2000 and 2800 meters.