Magazine No. 37 of Botanical-online
Plants and flowers
Medicinal plants

Boxwood properties
Boxwood contains many alkaloids that act as natural antiseptic, so, applied topically, they will help keep the scalp free of harmful microorganisms that alter it...
Red clover toxicicity
The amount of phytoestrogens that are ingested when this plant is used in food seems to be enough to present problems of toxicity....
Natural medicine

Natural treatment for autoimmune disease
Natural therapies that can be very beneficial for autoimmune diseases...
Why yogurt reinforces defenses
Yogurt is a probiotic food, that is to say, it provides us with bacteria that are beneficial for our gut
Natural Remedies Multiple Sclerosis
To invigorate the muscles and treat the problem of loss of muscle mass, compresses made with calendula essence can be used...
Natural food

Mushroom properties
Mushrooms are rich in potassium. Potassium is a counterpoint to sodium so it helps to eliminate body fluids by increasing urination
What do you know?

Orange properties
Regular consumption of oranges ensures that our daily requirement of vitamin C are almost satisfied....
Orange types
There are about 300 varieties of oranges. Of these, about 30 can be usually found in the market...
Orange juice properties
It has been found that orange juice has beneficial properties for the stomach, being able to regulate its functions, which can avoid many anomalies...
Orange tree medicinal properties
Flowers of orange tree should be used to fight stomachic spasms (6 flowers for each cup in an infusion of 3 minutes. Drink 3 or 4 cups every day)...
Vegetarian recipes

It is highly recommended when you need to replenish fluids and cool off after hiking, sports, or after physical exercise in general.
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
Medicinal plant with white flowers and similar leaves to those of nettles. Young leaves are edible and can be eaten in salads. Natural from Europe but introduced in America.