Magazine No. 34 of Botanical-online
Plants report
Medicinal plants

Cinamon contraindications
cinnamon contains substances taken in high doses could cause liver damage...
Properties of rosemary essential oil
You can prepare a seborrhea lotion based on essential oils of rosemary, lavender and sunflower...
Natural medicine

Remedies for amnesia
Ginseng promotes a better irrigation of the brain with the consequent improvement of mental work....
Supplements for memory loss
Folic acid reduces the risk of stroke. A deficiency of this vitamin causes, among other symptoms, causes lack of memory....
Natural food

Properties of legumes
Legumes are an ideal food for any diet, especially for vegetarians who do not eat meat, because they contain a lot of protein....
How to cook legumes
Cooking water should not contain much calcium or magnesium since these minerals are combined with legumin of legumes and they remain hard after cooking...
What do you know?

What is castor oil?
Is castor oil plant a poisonous plant?
Vegetarian recipes

Celery recipes
This salad is rich in fiber, especially because of artichokes. Fiber is a unique component of the plant world, and our body needs to maintain intestinal health, which is the center of the body's immunity...

Cypress cultivation
Cypress requires a sunny exposure, although it can even be planted in partial shade. Its wind resistance is high and it is very resistant to heat, drought and contamination...
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It is a plant of the daisy family. Perennial plant that is characterized by forming large clumps, reason why it is widely used in gardening for floor coverings... Perennial plant with very big yellow flowers and stems to 1 meter high. Native from T