Magazine No. 32 of Botanical-online
June issue
Medicinal plants

Medicinal properties of Cumin
Cumin possesses antimicrobial properties able to fight dental plaque ant it is used in some countries to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis. The aromatic oils of its fruits stimulates gastric secretions and appetite. Plants of the Umbelliferae family are the main carminative plants, that help remove gases from the digestive tract...
Agrimony tea properties
Agrimony is a plant that has been used since ancient times. The ancient Greeks considered it a medicinal and magical plant. From the point of view of magic, it was used to neutralize the spells. Medicinally it has been used to stop bleeding and heal wounds...
Natural food

Raspberries benefits
Raspberries are very rich in vitamin C. A cup of raspberries provides 88% of the daily needs of this vitamin. We have to emphasize the antioxidant function of vitamin C, able to neutralize the negative influence of free radicals. Eating raspberries will help detoxify the body and prevent many degenerative diseases that can be caused by the accumulation of these toxins in the body.
Arugula properties
Rocket or arugula is a common vegetable in the whole Mediterranean region consumed since ancient times as a vegetable and for its medicinal properties.
Natural medicine

Anxiety symptoms
Anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness or fear for a possible danger that may be based on true or imaginary reasons.
Natural treatment of anxiety
The primary role of phytotherapy in the problem of anxiety is to use plants with sedative and hypnotic properties, able to relax tense muscles, and to use tonic plants for the nervous system.
Healthy diets

Psoriasis diet
Proper nutrition seems to be crucial in the prevention and treatment of psoriasis. Nutritionists' opinion is that the ingestion of food containing toxins or the oxidation of the body itself are responsible for an organic imbalance that is manifested, in addition to some general body health problems, through unhealthy skin.
What do you know?

Sunflower history
Archaeological remains date sunflower cultivation back to 3000a.C in Arizona and New Mexico. Native Americans cultivated sunflower and they obtained different varieties with different seed colors ranging from black, white and red, to the best known variety, the black sunflower seed with white stripes.
Vegetarian recipes

Quinoa with vegetables and cumin
The main difference between cereals and quinoa is quinoa contains more proteins than rice, omega 3, lots of fiber, magnesium and B vitamins.
Hummus recipe
In their place of origin, it has been used as basic dish for humble people, that stands out for its richness in protein and fiber.
Plant cultivation

Noni tree cultivation
Noni is a small tree, green throughout the year which can be between 3 and 6 meters high.Stem erect, slender, gnarled, gray or brown. Sometimes this shrub seeks support in other trees nearby.
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It is a flower from Asia or Africa, used a lot in gardening because of its inflorescences similar to dusters.