Magazine No. 19 of Botanical-online
Issue of June
Medicinal plants

Calendula is used as a vulnerary, emmenagogue and analgesic remedy. It has properties to reduce inflammation, disinfect and...
Chamomile presents digestive, hepatic, biliary, antispasmodic and carminative properties. These make it one of the best remedies for indigestion...
Natural medicine

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammatory lesions in some body tissues. It is called systemic because it can affect all organs of the body.
Natural food

Turnips are rich in carbohydrates and minerals, mainly. Because of its high water content, energy intake is reduced, being an ideal plant in slimming diets and diabetes diet.
Natural diets

Food plays a fundamental role in controlling heart health by helping to prevent the causes and factors that could predispose to heart diseases.
Vegetarian recipes

A baked apple is suitable for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis or heartburn. Easily digestible and with demulcent properties, it helps protect your stomach.
Dangerous plants

The toxicity is dependent on temperature and the soil where it grows. In hot countries the toxicity index is higher than in countries with lower temperature.
Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?
It appears on walls, fences, dry place, etc. It possesses succulent leaves because it collects water in them. So, it can hold long drought and can withstand hot summers...
Plant cultivation

Generally carrots are harvested during the first year to get their roots. Quite hardy plants, there are different varieties depending on the size and thickness of the root.