Plant-based food rich in vitamin E

Vegetable and animal food that contains a lot vitamin E


What is vitamin E and where do we find it in food?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties. Its role in nature is to preserve fats from food.

Foods rich in fats

Foods high in fat usually contain a lot of natural vitamin E.

Therefore, the foods richest in this vitamin are natural foods rich in fats, such as nuts, avocados and especially unrefined vegetable oils.

What foods provide a lot of vitamin E?

To establish a reference, the recommended daily amount of vitamin E for an adult (CDR) is 10mg. of vitamin E.

There are supplements with megadoses of vitamin E, but they are not recommended and even they can be harmful to health.

* See: Dangers of vitamin E supplements

Foods of animal origin rich in vitamin E

Foods of animal origin in general are poor in vitamin E, especially in comparison with foods of vegetable origin rich in fats. They are not good sources to get the daily needs of this vitamin.

Only fatty fish (oily fish such as anchovies, salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.) and seafood (squid, prawns, prawns) deserve mention. Eggs also provide a good amount of vitamin E (especially in the yolk).

Viscera, red meat, white meat, white fish, and especially dairy products such as milk or yogurt, are poor in vitamin E.

Vitamin E content of foods of animal origin

Expressed in milligrams (mg) of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) per 100g

  • Mollusks 6
  • Snails 5
  • Egg 4
  • Fatty fish 4
  • Ham 3,4
  • Butter 2
  • Prawns 2
  • Caviar 2
  • Creamy or fatty cheese 2
  • Chicken’s liver 1.4
  • Meat 1
  • Milk 0.1


Vegetable oils rich in vitamin E

Vitamin E is found mainly in vegetable oils first cold pressure and in nuts, seeds and vegetables that are rich in fat.

teaspoon of raw virgin oil
One teaspoon of virgin olive oil contains 2 mg of tocopherols. The CDR is about 10-15mg of vitamin E.

Refined oils have very little vitamin E (and for this reason they easily become rancid). Only high-pressure cold oils contain a lot of vitamin E:

The natural food richest in vitamin E is cold pressed wheat germ oil. 1 teaspoon (10gr) contains 20mg of vitamin E (200% of the CDR).

It is considered that cold pressed wheat germ oil is an adequate natural supplement to provide extra doses of this vitamin, without producing an overdose (take only 1 teaspoon daily).

How is it better to store oils and nuts to preserve their vitamin E?

Vitamin E is sensitive to light and heat, so oils and nuts should be kept in an opaque container and in a cold place. In this way, the food retains all its vitamin.

Frying the oils or leaving them uncovered causes their content of vitamin E to decrease dramatically.

List of oils richest in vitamin E

Other food oils provide very adequate amounts of vitamin E

The following list shows the vitamin E content of foods of plant origin expressed in milligrams (mg) of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) per 100g:

* In bold, the most recommended oils are highlighted according to their content of vitamin E and its composition. Expand information in each one.

Amount of vitamin E in plant foods: nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables

Plant foods are the best source of vitamin E because they provide, in addition to vitamin E, numerous components with antioxidant properties (flavonoids, vitamin C, selenium, etc.) that enhance the effect and duration of the benefits of vitamin E

The following list shows the vitamin E content of foods of plant origin expressed in milligrams (mg) of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) per 100g:

* In bold, those that constitute foods richer in vitamin E per serving stand out.

punto rojo More information on vitamin E.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

21 January, 2025

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